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TW: Mentions of drugs. Stay safe lovelies xx


Y/N's POV:

As I break into a slow trot down the street, my clawed hands tightly clutching the CD I had previously bought, I wondered why Eddie would ever want to be my friend. I mean, he was a bit of a freak himself, but he had an entire group of friends to care about and ask to hang out together, so it didn't make sense as to why he would bother with me.

I had insulted his club, was barely grateful when he basically saved me from a raging dickhead, and now I'm thinking of him as a freak. He seems interested in me though, so I'll try to be kind in return. There was a small dent in the pavement, and I jump to avoid stepping onto it. I don't know why, but the very thought makes me sick.

I wonder what time Munson wants us to meet up. He seemed really vague with his invitation, so I assume that I can visit at any time. It all felt so weird, I had been at school just a few hours ago, and now I'm planning on going to Eddie Munson's house. Or trailer.

James (the random guy from chess club) had told me that Munson is a drug dealer, and, quite honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if he actually was. I mean, he's already a pretty sketchy guy. Lost in thought, I hadn't really noticed that I was already back at my house. OK, all I need to do is:

1. Feed Rosemary again.
2. Grab my skateboard.
3. And make sure I don't get caught slipping back out of my own house.

I tick off the boxes in my head, going through the process in my conscious. It seemed easy enough, and I unlatch the gate of my backyard and step back into the house with ease. Rosemary was already waiting me at the door, and I scoop her up in my arms, cuddling her close.

She doesn't hiss and demand to be let go this time, she just nuzzles into the warm wool of my cardigan. I eventually have to put her down when I remember my plan, and it's pretty clear that my mother and father are arguing again. After feeding my cat, I bolt up to my bedroom, and practically kick the door open.

My eyes search around the murky mess that is my bedroom, and finally catch sight of my skateboard. I rush over to it, my eyes lighting up. Alright, that's number two on my list done, now I just have to see whether I can pull off number three. I creep down the stairs, skateboard tucked underneath my arm, and then practically throw myself out of the front door.

The sound of my parents arguing fades into nothing, and cold evening air hits my face. I take a refreshed breath, and place my skateboard onto the ground. I step onto it, and the natural skill of skateboarding kicks back in as I manoeuvre down my street. The street lights haven't even flickered on yet, so it feels much safer to be out by myself.

To be completely fair, I shouldn't, realistically, know where Eddie lives, but I've had too many ex friends claim they bought weed from him to not. I start to have second thoughts about my trip as the wheels on my skateboard bump against the gravel of the pavement, and I search my brain for the exact details of Munson's address.

To be sincerely honest, arriving at a almost complete complete stranger's house isn't the most terrible thing I've ever done. I mean, in the worst case scenario, Eddie is an axe murderer, and he chops my head off and stuffs it in his freezer. So what? I'd rather be dead than spend another second in my own house anyways.

The ride to the trailer park was short and boring, and I hadn't ever truly realised how close I live to it. I knock onto the door of the trailer I hoped was Eddie's but I don't get any kind of response. I hit my head with my fist, frustrated. Of course he wouldn't be home yet, he was probably still working.

I place my skateboard onto the floor, and wait for what seemed like years until the sound of footsteps reach my ears. I look up, and Eddie is stood there, hair still pulled back into a low ponytail. He smiles at me, and I raise my hand in an awkward little wave.

"y/n! Sorry for keeping you waiting, I got kept in late at work. Next time just walk straight in, I don't mind." I open my mouth to respond, but something's telling me that Eddie understood. The bandana he had tucked away just before was now gone, probably left behind somewhere.

I reach out to open the door, and enter. The front room is unkept and messy, much to my relief. I didn't want to have to creep around his place, making sure I didn't stain anything. I felt comfortable here, and it tells as I take a tentative seat on a leather couch. "Thanks for inviting me."

Eddie nods in response, and he seems to be looking for something. I feel safe, so I continue. "Everything's just been really shitty lately, so it's nice to be out." I clear my throat, slightly embarrassed. "Too much?" I get incoherent 'no' from the other room, and Eddie comes back with a clear bag in his hand.

"That sucks, man. Wanna get high?" I'm a little surprised by his suggestion, and don't respond at first. It's not like I haven't done drugs before, but this guy barely even knows me. His sense of trust is unnerving me, but I shrug and accept either way. Eddie sits down beside me, his eyes sparkling again.

He pours some white powder out onto the palm of his hand, and, once he's passed it to me, I do the same. Before I can lift it to my nose though, Eddie stops me. "Are you sure? First times can be scary." I scowl at him, feeling suddenly defensive. "I'm not a kid, Munson, we're the same age, and I can take care of myself.

Before he can speak again, I inhale the entire thing. Anything to forget about home. Eddie pauses, and then does the same. I sit there in silence for a few moments, probably waiting for the euphoria to settle in. "What next?" Eddie shrugs, tipping his head back so he's staring up at the ceiling. "You just wait. It doesn't take that long."

And he was right.

It wasn't long before I started feeling lightheaded, and a smile spread across my face as I fell back onto the couch, giggling. Eddie does the same, and I give a dramatic sigh, suddenly having the desire to start rambling. "How many people..." I stop mid sentence, waving a hand in front of my face. It trembles, not looking real enough to me.

"How many people do you snort with?" I laugh at my own question, and Eddie pushes my shoulder, also laughing. "Only, like, guys. What- what about you?" I sigh loudly. "Unicorns. They're my favourite." Eddie giggles at me, his eyes slightly duller than before. "Unicorns aren't people, silly. What a weird— hey, can you see that?"

I turn my head. "See what?" Eddie sniffs, twirling the rings on his finger. "The wall. It's moving. Isn't that funny? Couldn't you just laugh? I'm doing that right now." He let's put a loud and exaggerated laugh, and I do the same, almost choking on my own saliva in the process. A random question pops into my head afterwards.

"Why does Jason hate you so much?"
Eddie twitches, his face pale. I honestly don't know why I said that, and it feels like I'm dreaming. Eddie suddenly looks alive and excited, and his finger juts out. "He hit on me once, you know. It was so weird." I gasp, before letting out a short giggle. "What did you say to him?"

Eddie rolls his eyes, wiping the blood from his nose. "I told him to fuck off." He grins at me. "That made him really mad, and now he hates me. Idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot. Stupid." The metal head giggles again, and my heart beat quickens. I start to feel sick, but I ignore it. "That was really smart of you.
You're a smart guy."

Eddie gives me a loud and exaggerated sigh, and my ears ring with the noise. "Steve doesn't think so." I furrow my eyebrows. "Who's- who's Steve?"

Eddie begins to reply, but I can't hear him, because that's when everything went dark.

Freak Skater // Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now