"Total Pothead"

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Y/N's POV:

I wake up with a cold flannel pressed against my forehead, and a raging headache. I try to lift my head up, but a hand pushes me back down. "Hey, hey, don't try to get up, y/n. It'll just make it worse." I turn my head to see exactly who's talking, and I'm not surprised to say the least. Eddie lifts the flannel off of my head, looking guilty.

"You alright?" I give him a confused look. "What do you mean?" He cringes, and then reaches out to pat my shoulder. "You kinda just blacked out, y/n." I sit up at that, and immediately regret it. I lie back down. "For how long?" Eddie hesitates for a second, watching me for reactions. I'm glaring at him. He sighs. "Half an hour—" I lighten up. "That doesn't sound too bad then."

Eddie shakes his head. "Half an hour two hours ago, I meant." I immediately deflate, and panic floods my body. I leap off of the leather couch, ignoring the pain in my face and skull, and make a wild dash for the door. The metal head catches up with me before I reach the door. "You can't leave now, y/n, you're bleeding! Just—" I cut him off by slamming his front door shut, my hand going to my face.

Sure enough, a steady pour of blood was streaming from my swollen nose. Apparently, I didn't snort the crack properly. My back hits the wall, and let out a groan. "My parents are so gonna kill me." Eddie gives me a crooked smile, busying himself with scooping up the white powder that had been spilt onto the floor just a few hours earlier.

He tosses a packet of painkillers, and then a box of tissues at me. I catch them both, still leant against the wall. I sigh, still glaring at him. "This is ridiculous - do you know how serious this could be? You could get busted for drugs, and I'm pretty sure that cocaine isn't legal."

Eddie actually laughs at my comment, and then downs a glass a water, before popping a pill into his mouth. "You almost died, and all you can think about is the law? Forget about it, that shit doesn't really matter." I slump and sulk for a moment, pressing a tissue against my swollen nose. "I guess you're right." I pause.

"Hey, can you remember what we were talking about when we were still...you know, high." Eddie stops at that, before shrugging, back still turned away from me. "I don't tend to exactly 'remember' anything from my crack induced conversations, y/n. I can't imagine we said anything too interesting anyways. Snorting illegal shit is always fun though."

I give an incredulous laugh. "You're a total pothead!" Eddie turns to me, smiling, and preforms a mock bow. "Why thank you, y/n, I do try my best." I laugh again, and he flicks his wrists dramatically, making me laugh louder. I scrunch up my nose, checking to see if I've stopped bleeding yet, before averting my attention elsewhere.

I notice Eddie's shirt, and it's weird symbols. I read the words 'Hellfire Club' off of it, and raise an eyebrow. "I like...your T-shirt. Where'd you get it from?" Once again, Eddie's eyes light up with excitement. "Oh, I actually made it myself! Isn't that sweet, all the members of Hellfire get one."

I roll my eyes, and rub my sore nose. "If you're trying to bribe me into joining that club again, Eddie, the answer is still no." Eddie scoffs, giving me a dismissive wave. "Oh no, I'm not gonna try to do that again. Unless you're reconsidering...?" I shook my head at him, but I did have a question.

"By the way, who's the mysterious missing member of Hellfire?" I almost know who it is, but I need confirmation. Eddie shrugs. "It's Sinclair. I would love to have the kid back in the club, but we don't have time to stick around, waiting for him to come back." I nod.

I stay at his trailer for a couple more hours, before leaving. He really didn't want me to, but I knew that I would be in a world of trouble if I came home at like, midnight, so I ended up skateboarding the street lamp illuminated streets way before I had even intended.

I had planned to sneak inside, but I immediately notice, as I'm stood outside of my house, that all the lights are on, and my father is stood at the front.

Freak Skater // Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now