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WHEN Aemond followed Elaena to her room, the teenage girl debated locking her door to him when she sensed his presence. He had insulted her brothers at dinner and caused chaos to ensue.

She went to close the door, but Aemond gripped the edge and held it open. "So your letter was right," Aemond spoke, swinging the door open and closing it behind him. Elaena walked backward, bumping into a table with teacup atop it. The glass shook at the force.

"You read my letters and never responded."

"Many years ago I proposed to you and you never gave me a proper answer."

"So you didn't answer me from your need for revenge?"

"But now is your opportunity to fix things. Let us announce a marriage and I will be your King Consort. Forget your northern fool. You knew Aegon wasn't fit for the role, but I am. I know the histories, I can fight with a sword and I have loved you since we were young. You said yourself I would make a fine husband."

"Aemond," Elaena spoke. He kept creeping further until her hands were upon his shoulders. The teenage boy had become a reminder of her youth and the scar along her stomach, and that's all she seen on his face.

He leaned in and kissed her, pulling her in and without restraint. While some part of her reveled at the moment, another was pained. Elaena gently pushed him away, keeping him at arm's distance.

"We mustn't. It's not the right time. We're only six-and-ten."

"The perfect age. You can stay in King's Landing. If you need a reason to stay, let me be the reason."

"I will not insult the Starks nor will I marry you after what you said of my brothers. You insult me with the notion."

"I insult you? Your brother is the reason I lost an eye."

"Your selfishness is the reason."

"And you are not selfish?"

"Do not chastise me. Go to bed and leave me in peace." Elaena backed away from him.

"This is the final time I offer you this."

"Then be content with my answer. No. I loved you once, but I cannot love you anymore."

Aemond stared at her for a moment before removing his eyepatch, to reveal a blue sapphire embedded where his old eye used to sit. "Then what was this all for?"

"I cannot restore your eye and marrying you won't make it whole again."

Aemond replaced the eyepatch upon his face and waited for a few seconds, hoping she'd change her mind. Elaena did not and watched him walk from the door. She slammed her hand against the table, the teacup wobbling and tipping over.

Elaena felt burdened with anger. Her bags had been sent with her mother, leaving only her riding clothes to change into. She went out to the courtyard and told a guard of her need to go for the dragonpit. He escorted her carriage throughout the city, Elaena watching the night life entranced.

The city seemed even filthier in the night. People lurked in corners and music played from pubs or brothels. Elaena felt relieved when she arrived at the dragonpit, climbing up the stairs with her knight and thanking him when she was safe inside.

The masters of the pit were fast asleep, leaving Elaena to take off in the dead of night toward home. King's Landing no longer felt like a home she yearned for, but a place of torture. A place where her life was full of politics and plots. The night air was a welcome reprieve and she sighed in relief as home was soon in the distance.

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