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WHILE Elaena loved all her brothers, part of her was disappointed at discovering a boy was born. She prayed to the gods each night her mother was pregnant for a girl in hopes they would pay more attention to her. When Elaena was born first, a set of expectations was placed upon her before she even took her first breath. Though Rhaenyra wouldn't name an heir until she ascended the throne, the lords already whispered about another girl becoming queen after her.

As she aged, Elaena imagined Jace being named heir. Her mother continued to prepare her for the position despite the sensed reluctance. Hours were spent with Septas learning the languages of the known world, primarily focusing on Valyrian. She would escape some days to the dragon pit to be with her dragon, Arrax the Elder. He earned the name when Lucerys named his own dragon Arrax through admiration, and Elaena never had the heart to tell him he couldn't.

Shortly before Joffrey's birth and at the age of seven, Elaena could fly her dragon just as her mother had through much encouragement. Her brothers were trained in the sword in the training yard, and Elaena would watch as they trained with their uncles. Once Elaena had tried to train with them, only to be discouraged by Ser Criston Cole. Despite this, Elaena still kept a dagger close and kept her wild exterior.

Unlike others within her family, Elaena was filled with paranoia. She was terrified for the lords who watched her and the power they held over her future. It was worsened when at the age of six, a servant came to the dinner table. Food had taken longer to arrive than usual and her mother kept a schooled expression as the servant whispered in her ear.

"Watch after your brothers," Rhaenyra smiled to Elaena. Her brothers refused to speak back to their mother and the children watched as she left the room.

Only a few moments passed before Elaena slid from her chair and crept after her silently. "Don't tell mother and I'll tell you both about what was said."

"Are you sure it was Elaena's?" Rhaenyra's voice was overheard from the kitchen.

"Yes, Your Grace. The food is tasted for your children's safety, as well as yours. He didn't last long upon tasting it," another woman replied.

"Does my father know?"

"No, Your Grace."

"Leave it this way." Rhaenyra digged into her pocket, pulling out some money to slip into the servant's hand. "If he knew someone tried to poison Elaena, the castle would be in uproar. I'll handle this quietly."

"Yes, Your Grace." The servant bowed in respect before they entered through the kitchen doors.

Elaena rushed back to the dinner table where her brothers were arguing amongst themselves about who was going to track her down. She sat quickly into her chair, tapping her feet rapidly. "Where'd she go?" Jace asked.

"I don't know, I couldn't catch up," Elaena shrugged.

Jace eyed her a moment but let the issue drop. Rhaenyra reappeared several minutes later with servants carrying dinner. Elaena felt nauseous but still choked down her dinner. Rhaenyra eyed her daughter every bite and hardly touched her own food.

When dinner was done, Elaena prepared for bed. She stared into the mirror while imagining herself poisoned. She wasn't completely settled until she examined every portion of herself in the mirror. She looked at her gums and tongue, pulled at her eyelids and poked at her lips. Only when a knock sounded did she jump away from the mirror and greet her mother.

"I came to say goodnight," Rhaenyra smiled. Elaena loved her mother's smile, and the way it made her feel like the only person that mattered in the world.

"Can you tuck me in?" Elaena asked.

"You haven't asked this of me since you were four," Rhaenyra furrowed her brows and placed a hand against her forehead teasingly, "Are you sick?"

Elaena giggled and turned her head away, "No, I'm cold."

"All those stories you tell of the winter are getting to you."

Elaena let her mother lead her back to the bed, tucking the blankets underneath her. Only when her mother was about to walk away did Elaena ask the question turning around in her mind. "Why do you want to be queen?"

"Because your grandsire trusted me with the position many years ago, and he knew I was capable."

"Do you think I'm capable?"

"Where is this coming from, Elaena? Did someone say something to you?"

"No," Elaena shook her head. "I was just thinking about it."

"You are my eldest child, my daughter. There is not one other person in the world I'd trust to take my place after me. Decades separate you and the responsibility, I plan to live a long life looking after you all."

"And if I decide I don't want the throne?"

"That can be a discussion for years down the line. For now, you must sleep." Rhaenyra leaned over, planting a kiss on her daughter's forehead.

"I love you, mother."

"I love you, too."


  THE following morning Elaena began by sneaking into the maester's stores, stealing poison from his wares. The girl also spent hours in the library, reading about each individual type. Maesters had many accounts of individuals trying to become unsusceptible by taking a dash of poison a day. Not enough to kill you, but enough to make you sick. Elaena placed a small dab on her tongue, pursing her lips at how sour the substance was.

She declared then if she were to take her place on the Iron Throne, then she would become invincible. Elaena would not be poisoned in her own home by cowards, if someone wanted her dead they would have to look at her as they did so.

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