Chapter 22

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~Corbyn's POV~

Both Daniel and Zach were planning on proposing to the girls and the rest of us guys are going to help them out of course so we were all given jobs: Daniel, Zach, Serena, and Arianna were in charge of organizing how it was gonna go down, Jonah was in charge of getting the materials we needed, Jack was in charge of taking care of the kids, and I was in charge of making sure Maya and Gianna were out of the house every time that Serena and Arianna came over so they don't get suspicious about them coming almost everyday and only being with the boys. So finally today they had an idea on how it's going to happen and agreed on it and it was perfect because the kids where gonna be able to participate in the proposal. The thing is that the girls might be getting a little bit suspicious they keep asking questions but then once we answer them they forget but then bring it up again but we don't know for sure. Anyways Jonah has everything that the boys wanted so now we can FINALLY get to decorating

~End of POV~

J: ok i brought everything it wasn't easy I had to go to many many MANY different stores just for the specific lights so when are we gonna start decorating 

A: Tomorrow actually 

A: it's gonna take us more that 3 days to decorate this beautiful proposal that Daniel and Zach have planned out sooo be prepared and Corbyn?

C: yea

A: you need to have plans on how to keep the girls busy for the next few days maybe even weeks who knows but still 

C: yea I know 

Z: we just want this to be done perfectly 

Bryan then crawls Zach's way 

Z: whats up buddy 

Bryan just babbles while pointing to Eleanor 

D: is Eleanor being mean 

She then shakes her head "no"

Z: it's ok bud go play with Eleanor she knows better than to be mean to her brother 

Bryan just sits there messing with Corbyn's guitar strings 

C: does Bryan want to be a guitar player just like his daddy?

Corbyn picks Bryan up and just plays with him 

Meanwhile upstairs

M: is it just me or have the boys been acting different?

G: i Don't know I just love how much they help with the kids 

M: me too but I've noticed that for the past few months they've been having Serena and Arianna over while Corbyn takes us places but also when we leave they have so many things scattered everywhere 

G: i don't know all I know is that *in baby voice* little miss Luna needs a diaper change 

M: want me to help

G: yea please can you bring me the wipes and a clean diaper please

M: yea I'll be back 

She goes to the small bag that hold the diapers and gets the wipes and takes them to Gianna

G: thanks 

M: yea I'm gonna go check on the kids and see if Serena and Arianna have left yet

G: ok 

She then goes downstairs and the girls left and she see's all the boys playing with Bryan and Eleanor 

M: how are my babies doing 

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