Chapter 52

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L: Camille!?

M: Laila??

C: Yea it's me! 

C: I haven't seen you since 6th grade

L: I've missed you so so much!

C: Me too!

S: Who's Camille?

L: I'm sorry guys um Camille this is Gianna, Arianna, Serena, and my cousin Maya

G: Hi nice to meet you

C: You too 

A: So how do you two know each other

C: We were best friends in school but then I moved to Florida and came back not too long ago

L: It's really great to see you again Cam

C: Same to you so what brings you 5 by/

M; Well, I'm getting married soon! So we're gonna need 5 navy blue dresses 

C: Congratulations Maya! 

M: Thank you

She smiles 

C: So what was the type of dress you were looking for?

She told her everything that they wanted and so after a few more hours everyone met up at the car except Arianna and Serena

D; Hey beautiful! How did it go for you girls?

G: It went great!

C: Did you girls get your dresses?

L: We did actually 

Ja: How about you Maya?

M: I did and it is gorgeous!

G: She's not wrong 

L: And you guys? Did you get what you needed?

J: Yea we did too 

D: Could we get lunch I am so hungry 

M: Yea where- wait, where's Zach?

Ja: Bathroom

M: Oh ok  is Bryan with him?

J: Yea

Ja: Can we wait in the car my legs hurt from all the standing around

D: Yea 

He unlocks the car and everyone settles in and then Zach finally came back with Bryan. After the get lunch they head home where the boys were surprised with Arianna and Serena

Author's note: Ok yes this one is EXTREAMLY short but I am going to hopefully not for sure yet but hopefully release a longer chapter tomorrow so stay tuned for that anyways. Hey it's 2023! New year already crazy how time passes! Much Luv! <3 

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