Chapter 7

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M: so where are we going Zach?

Z: well I made plans for us...

M: like?.....

Z: well since it's time for dinner I was thinking we can go somewhere to eat and just not go back home till tomorrow 

M: ok sounds good but why till tomorrow?

Z: because i Wanna be with you just us two 

M: aww ok :)

-skip dinner-

Z: here's the hotel we're gonna stay at

M: wow! It's so huge! (That's what she said 😏) 

Z: wait till you see our room 

M: this is amazing! You know you didn't have to get such a huge room right?

Z: i know but i Wanna show you how much I love you Maya 

M: aww Zach I swear you're so cute :) well umm I have to take a shower so I'll be back in like 30 minutes

Z: 30 minutes? It doesn't take that long to shower

M: it does for me

Z: wow ok but hurry I get bored fast 

 (now quick thing if this next part bothers you then you can not read this chapter and leave or you can read it but like I said last chapter keep thy holy water next to you k thanks bye!) 

Maya turns the water on and played music while preparing for the water. She got in and heard the door creek. She didn't think much of because she thought it was part of the song that was playing. Suddenly she felt a body rub against her. 

M: Zach? What are you doing

Z: oh I'm sorry I can leave if you want

M: no stay i need your help getting my back anyways

He helps her with her back and then something touched her ass she turned around and saw Zach's boner.

M: looks like someone got turned on

Z: i know I tried my best but I couldn't help it

M: well do you need some help with that 😏

She bends down and starts to stroke him. In order for her to make Zach want her she started to suck gently on his tip. 

Z: Maya please no stop teasing me!

She ends up listening and started sucking on his Dick. He ended up having enough and he turns the water off, picks up maya and throws her on the bed. Zach then starts to tease her back. He would kiss her down her body and then starts to leave small kisses on her thighs. With all the pleasure Maya was gently moaning. Next thing she knows it she feels his tongue sucking and licking her clit while on hand was playing with her boob.

M: Z-Zach please stop teasing! I want you in me so bad! ZACH PLEASE!

Z: that's not my name Maya


Zach then entered Maya and he let her adjust to his length. He then starts to thrust fast into her. She then starts to moan loud which caused Zach to go even faster.


Z: Me too Maya! On three.....One

M: Zach i can't it has to come out right now!

Z: two



They both release and then Zach falls right next to her. 

Z: was that ur first time?

M: yea you?

Z: yea and I loved it 

M: me too...I have to shower again 

Z: can I come with you 

M: sure let's go 

They go and wash themselves then come out and Maya orders room service. There was a knock at the door and it was their food. She gets the food and Zach comes out of the bathroom. Once they got settled they both started cuddling in bed and were just talking about life. They both fell asleep and once they finally woke up it was 10:55am.

M: Hey Zach babe wake up we have to get back home

Z: nooooo why can't we just lay in bed all day 

M: for two reasons 1) because we don't live here and 2) I wanna go and change into clothes I haven't been in for the past 12+ hours 

Z: ughh fine let's clean up and go then 

They clean up and gather their things and head home. Maya fell asleep in the car but right as Zach turned the car off she woke up with a sudden burst of energy and leaped out of the car




J: where did you guys go?

C: what did you do?

Ja: did you bring me back anything?

D: wuts for breakfast?

M: haha ok calm down with the questions first of Jonah we went to eat dinner and stayed at a hotel room. Corbyn, we enjoyed each other's company, and no Jack we didn't you have plenty of things here, and Daniel....I don't know

Ja: wait wait wait! Hold up! Enjoyed each other's company?...

D: oh jack 

J: did ya'll use protection 

Maya and Zach just look at each other scared 

Z: uhhhhhhhmmmmm

M: yes?

C: that's a no.

Ja: welp...

J: ok well I'm also hungry so mayaaaaaa can you make breakfast againnnnn

M: nope you guys proved you can make food without burning the house down so while I go and get ready for the day 

Authors note: ok so this was my first smut EVER and it might suck I don't know BUT if ya'll have any suggestions on what to do for the next one because I know for sure there is gonna be a next one ok well hope you enjoyed byeeeee! ✌🏽

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