Chapter 30

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When both Maya and Zach get to their room with the twins, they place both of them in their cribs and start talking but Maya starts groaning in pain

Z: Maya? Baby? What's wrong? Are you ok?

M: Zach I um 

Z: Maya what happened over there? Who hurt you?

She sighs

M: happened again but this time every time I would try to move, he would either punch, slap, or cut me somewhere on my body and since I was trying to escape, I'm hurt all over physically and emotionally and Zach I'm pretty sure he released inside of It could be a possibility he got me pregnant and if I am Zach, I don't know what I would do! And Zach I feel as if I cheated on you! As if I'm the cause of all this pain! If Jonah never would have ever met me none of you guys would be here, none of you would be hurt, none of you would have found out about Corbyn and have just gone on about your lives, and Zach I hate this life! I hate how much I have brought so much pain to all of you,

She started crying at this point

M: Every night I am always saying to myself you don't deserve this, Maya! Zach doesn't deserve you! And even some fans say that you are too good for me! And that I'm a slut for always hanging out with you guys and that I should kill myself. I hate this feeling and sometimes I feel as if I need to end it but then I tell myself no you can't you have two babies who need you and a man who you want to be there for that you love so much

After she finished talking, they both sat there while Maya was crying Zach pulled her in for a hug

Z: Baby I didn't know you felt this way, and Maya look at me

She stares at his eyes while tears kept rolling down her face

Z: Ok first of all, Maya you did not, and I am going to repeat this, you did NOT cheat on me it wasn't something that you wanted it was something that he fucking forced to do to, and it isn't right, and babe where on your body did, he hurt you

M: All over my stomach my arms and my back

Z: Come with me 

He carries her bridal style and takes her to the bathroom and places her on the counter

Z: Give me your arms

She holds her arm out and Zach see's the monstrosity Drake left in his fiancée's arms. While he cleaned her up, he kept talking to her

Z: Maya just before we came in here, I said that you getting fucked by Drake wasn't your fault, it was out of your control, so Mayaa don't feel bad ok this happens so much that it isn't even right. Second of all, if Drake did let it out inside of you then Maya you could maybe be pregnant again with his child and I really hate that he did that to you but Maya if you are then you can't kill the baby, it's an innocent thing and it shouldn't be punished because of what happened and even though it isn't my child I would love it as if it was. Third of all, if it wasn't for Jonah being there for you and meeting you then Maya, I wouldn't be this happy, I wouldn't be a proud father of two, I wouldn't have that special someone to me who will soon be MY forever, Jack wouldn't have met Serena, and we wouldn't have seen Joanna again, so Maya, we need and love you so very much. And finally, YOU. DESERVE. THE. WORLD. Never tell yourself that you don't deserve anything Maya! Here at this house, we all love each other, and we all love you, Maya. Especially Bryan and Ellie. And me Maya. If I didn't love you, I never would have asked you to marry me, I never would have asked you to be my girlfriend, AND I never would have had Bryan and Eleanor with you! And another thing Maya, know that whenever you feel like ending it all, talk to someone because if you let it get to your head then your heart is going to want to actually do it and when you do something like that you hurt everyone who loves you, everyone here would miss you so damn much. Jonah, Corbyn, Jack, Daniel, Serena, Arianna, Bryan, Eleanor, Luna, and ME! Maya Marie Sales! I, Zachary Dean Herron Love You So Much! Don't let anyone tell you different. Don't let those comments from "fans" get to you! Because they don't matter. Yea calling someone a slut is a bad thing BUT they obviously have nothing to do in their fucking lives that they have to hurt someone to be entertained or they're just jealous of your life!  So Maya, know that we all are here for you, we love you and need you in our lives, and Maya, I love you very much don't let anyone tell you any different and also know that I'm here to help and listen to your feelings, ok? 

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