Sophie walked down the hallway, a smile on her face. She had just finished Telephaty class, and she felt like she was on cloud nine. She and Fitz and somehow, grown stronger in that session, telling each other their secrets to get to know each other. 

Just then, she bumped into someone and all her books dropped to the floor. She was about to apologise when she saw who it was a beamed. 

"Hey Biana! Gosh, I'm so sorry!" 

Biana smirked at her. "Hey. And no problem. It's just you being you, and I'm used to it," she joked, making Sophie roll her eyes. 

"Hey Biana! Hey Foster!" a familliar voice called down the hall. The girls turned around and saw Keefe heading towards them, waving. 

"Hey Keefe!" the girls chorused. Behind him, Fitz was catching up as he dodged the students rushing pass him. He gave Sophie his movie-worthy smile and Sophie's heart did a flip. Fitz was smiling at her! A few girls watching gasped and Sophie felt like the luckiest elf to live. 

"Woah, what's the sudden change of emotion, Foster?" Keefe asked in a teasing manner, fanning the air. 

Sophie's cheeks grew hot and she hid behind her hair. Keefe laughed and Sophie's cheeks grew hotter. 

But behind the joking mask, Keefe was jelous. Jelous that Sophie liked Fitz and not him. But, he couldn't interfere into her love life right? It was her choice anyway, and Keefe had not right to choose who she liked. 

Needless to say, Sophie would've have obviously chose Fitz. And Keefe wasn't going to lie, Fitz was much better looking that him (So not not true. But...I'm writing this for the sake of this story. But I AM a Sokeefe fan!) 

Fitz was...wonderboy. (Like Dex would say) Perfect face, perfect atittude, perfect FAMILY. Perfect, perfect, perfect. 

Him? Oh, let's recall again. #1, his mother was physco. #2, his dad was a jerk and only cared for himself. #3, He made the worst decision of his life by 'thinking joining the Neverseen' would be the only way to save the Lost Cities and stupidly leaving Sophie. 

Yeah, he was much worst. 

But...there were times Keefe would he put it....feelings? Yeah, feelings, from Sophie whenever he was around. So, he wasn't going to give up yet....he wasn't if Sophie doesn't decide to date Fitz first. 

But for now, Keefe could at least enjoy watching his mother suffer in Exile. (That's right peeps. Exile! I'm that cruel....)

AND, he could enjoy the holidays coming up! Yup, no more Foxfire! (For the year at least) 

"Keefe! Keefe!" Biana shouted, shaking his shoulder. Keefe snapped out of his thoughts and shook his head. "You alright there?" Biana asked. 

"Uh, yeah. Sorry, just thinking about something," Keefe responded, scratching the back of his head. Biana stared at him for a while, but shrugged a few seconds later. "Suit yourself."

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