"Shorten it," Biana chimed in simply. Sky stood silent for a while, trying to think of a way. Then she heaved in a breath.

"Okay, so, story cut short, Alden wanted our dads to be able to speak the Enlightened Launguage whenever he visits them in the Forbidden Cities during his free time," Sky explained, "So, he made sure in the elixirs he gave them, each of them would sure to manifest as a Polyglot." 

"So...that's why you manifested as one? Since you're their children?" Biana concluded, and received four nods back. 

"Then what's with the other two, three abilities?" Tam added in. 

"Okay that....is another long story," Lea said sheepishly.

"Shorten it then," Sophie cut in simply. 

"Alright, fine. Well, during this whole, 'men friendship thing' between elf and humans, meanwhile, the women on the other hand have been busy too. And note, this was before your mum and dad got marrried. So were ours," Lea reminded Fitz and Biana, smiling. 

"Anyway, they were also somewhat inserting elf DNA into them to....keep in contact," Sky added. 

"But only Sky's mum can teleport. The rest....were given other abilities to hide themselves so our mums and Della could visit each other in the Lost Citties and Forbidden. Of course, the council already knew this, but it didn't harm anybody, so they just turned a blind eye," Yuna chimed in, revealing her voice for the first time. 

"Yeah, then blah blah blah, met each other, blah blah, fell in love, had their human-elf wedding and had us!" Lea summarised. 

"Okay....but wait. What does have a Hydrokinetic have to do with 'hiding'?" Keefe asked, "And a Conjurer?" 

"Okay, those were....how do I put it....extra abilitites we manifested? Kinda because our parents got married with each other and-I DON'T KNOW OKAY?! I WAS JUST WANTED TO BE BORN PEACEFULLY AND THEN THEY FOUND OUT I GOT MORE THAN ONE ABILITY!" Sky shrieked, making everyone jump. 

"Ohhhkay maybe we should uhm...tell you the reason you're here," Lina suggested, glancing at Sky who was tugging her hair. 

"Uh, yeah! Okay, so basically, Alden wanted us to show you how it feels like to live in our world. Since, the Neverseen are defeated and locked away in Exile and all, he figured, why not let y'all have some fun?" Lea told them. 

"FUN? We had to chase after Hunkyhair here cause HE just jumed into the light without thinking and totally bringing us to a forbidden city we HAVE NO IDEA OF," Tam complaind, glaring at Keefe. 

"Aw, don't stress Tam. It'll only be a week. Plus, aren't you sick of being stuck in the Lost Cities? And didn't you see how beautiful our world can be? C'mon, even the Council approves of this experience!" Lea encouraged. 

"She's right. I'm sick of wasting my holidays in Everglen! I'm in! I'll jolly-well stay here longer if I have to," Biana announced confidently. 

"But what about our stuff? Our clothes? What will we-" Fitz asked, but was cut off when Lina snapped her fingers and bags of every one of them appeared in the room. 

"Your parents know. They've packed everything for you. And Sophie?" Sky asked.

Sophie turned to face her. "Mm?"

"Please try and uhm....assure Grady everything will be fine when you're here." 

The message wasn't that obvious, but Sophie already knew what Sky meant by it. Her cheeks burned in embarresment at the thought of her overprotective father. 

"Come on. I'll take you to your rooms. And you'll all get individul ones. How about....Sophie and Fitz first? Your rooms are the nearest," Lea suggested, nodding at Sky. In the corner, Keefe's smile fell, knowing his room wasn't going to be next to Sophie's. 

The rest seemed to be thinking that too. 

Sky snapped her fingers and a portal opened. Sophie and Fitz walked in and the portal immdiately closed behind them. 

Silence filled the room. 

Tam and Biana seemed to have turned themselves invisible and Marella, Linh and Dex were whispering to each other. 

And Keefe was sitting on a chair he had found and had sunk into it. 

"You like her, don't you?" 

Keefe's head snapped up and his ice blue eyes met Sky's navy-blue ones. His jaw dropped for a moment but her recovered quickly and answered, "N-no!" 

Sky smirked. "You're lying, you know," she said. 

"Am not!" Keefe argued, not getting the hint. 

By now, the conversation had gotten everyone's attention. Not because of Keefe liking Sophie, but because Sky was being so confident in her conclusion. 

Keefe just avoided her eyes, but Sky knew too well. 

"I'm an Empath, just so you know."

Everyone, except Keefe, gasped. Keefe's jaw dropped even further and he pointed at her with a shocked expression nobody could copy. "Ww-what?" 

"You wouldn't let me finish my sentence! I was about to say "and an Empath" but you cut me off with the 'bizarre observation' of yours," Sky argued, rolling her eyes.

"Okay, I'm sorry, but, how far away can you go before not being able to sense someone's feelings?" 

"Mm, like, 2.5m away?" 

Keefe just sat there, speechless. 

"So....you can sense my feelings?" 

Sky nodded. "Loud and feel. Since we're kinda like one meter away," she pointed out at the distance they sat apart from each other. 

"Ok, this is getting embarrasing," Keefe admitted and covered his face as Sky grinned. Tam snorted with laughter and Biana hit him. 

"I felt your sadness when Lea announced Fitz and Sophie's room were the nearest. But....she didn't say they were the CLOSETS," Sky hinted, and she could feel Keefe's spirits brighten up. 

"And FYI, I ship the both of you," Sky added, which made Keefe blush. 

"YAS! Another fan-girl! We've gotta get you and Sophie together, Keefe!" Biana exclaimed excitedly. The rest nodded eagerly along. Including Tam. 

"But...what if Sophie really likes Fitz?" Keefe asked. 

"You know Keefe," Sky interrupted, "as and Empath, I know how feelings work. If Sophie is THINKING she likes Fitz, then it't not true love. But, if her love is from the bottom of her heart, then we can't get in her way. I mean, I kinda get it. All human girls here too might fall for Fitz first the moment he steps in." 

"Are you saying you-" 

"Um, NO. I was saying that because a lot of girls DO do that! I know! Know how I know? Cause I'm like Biana in my school, pretty, smart, funny, and ALL the boys want me! You know how stressful that is? I'M ONLY 13!" Sky exclaimed, 'disgusting' written all over her face. 

The gang laughed at her burst. Sky joined in a few seconds later and they were all laughing. 

"But seriously Keefe," Sky said, her tone changing, "if you're sensing that Sophie's feelings for Fitz are coming from the mind, then TAKE THE CHANCE. At least tell her how you're feeling, okay?" 

Keefe avoided her eyes and looked away. 


"Yeah, yeah! I know! I will!" Keefe replied.

Sky smiled. "Good. Ugh, seriously, what's taking them so long?" she glanced up at the ceiling to try and check out the three of them.

She snapped her fingers and poked her head through the portal and shouted, "Lea! Hurry up! What's taking you so long?" 

"Sorry!" Lea replied, and ran over to the portal, "Okay. next, Biana, Keefe and Tam." 

And guess where Keefe's room was. 

Right smack in the middle of Sophie's and Fitz's.

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