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Narrator's Pov

The next morning, everyone ended waking up late because they slept late. Sky had to go to each room, splashing water onto their faces at 10 am. 

"WAKEY WAKEY SLEEPYHEADS! IT'S 10 IN THE MORNING!" she shouted as she splashed a handful of water on Tam's face. 

He sat up in shock when she did, and he groaned when he saw who it was. 

"Nooo, let me sleep!" he complained, pulling the covers back and laying back down. 

Sky used her telekinesis to yank the blanket back and Tam groaned even louder. 

"You have Telekinesis TOO?" he whined.

"Hey, it comes with the elf-genetic package," Sky said and shurgged. 

Tam glared at her through his silver bangs 

"Okay, okay. I'm up," he assured when Sky formed another water ball in between her palms. 

He wasn't the only one dragging himself out of bed. The others seemed like they hadn't slept a wink last night. After they showered, Sky, Lea, Lina and Yuna all agreed they had to bring this group out for a morning walk to wake these sleepyheads. 

"Morning walks? At this hour? Can I remind you it's FALL?" Sophie complained. She didn't want to face the cool morning air she'd been missing due to living in the Lost Citites. 

And she couldn't remember how it felt like when the wind hit her. 

Lea raised an eyebrow. "Of course we do. But what difference does it make? We're still walking, am I right?" 

Sky, Lina and Yuna nodded agreeingly. 

Sophie groaned and the others just followed. Sky rolled her eyes when they pretended to be suddenly have a headache when she knew they were just lazy to go out. 

"NOPE! YOU'RE GOING!" Lea announced offically, "I-generously, since it's your first time wearing human clothes-picked out the outfits you're going to where." 

They all headed to their rooms, as instructed and some of them actually got a bit excited after seeing their outfit. The boys and girls almost matched each other. Except, they each had their own collar colour. They were wearing hoodies and normal pants, but the design on them made a bit more striking.

"Okay, maybe I'm might be a bit excited about this!" Biana exclaimed as she joined the group in her hoodie. 

"Told you so," Sky said smugly, wearing her own hoodie. 

Everyone thought the design was cool, which was enough for Sky and her friends to encourage them to walk for at least a few minutes. 

In the end, they walked for about an hour and a half, admiring the nature shown off by mother nature in the forbidden citites. Seoul, specifically. Even Sophie seemed awed.

"That was an HOUR AND A HALF?" Biana asked again, making sure she had heard Sky correctly. Sky nodded and Biana put a palm to her forhead while mumbling, "But it felt like a few 30 minutes." 

Lea shrugged. "Eh, you know what they say, time flies by when you're having fun!" 

"I never believed that quote as a kid," Sophie admitted and the rest nodded. 

Suddenly, Sky cleared her throat and got everyone's attention. "Guys, we're having, 'visitors' later okay? So, I suggest you either put some new clothes on or stay in your rooms," she suggested. 

"Who are they?" Tam pressed. 

"You'll know once you've changed," Sky promised. They agreed and went to change to some normal human clothes that didn't look as pretty as the elves (according to Biana) but were still pretty cool. 

Once they were done, of course, none of them stayed in their rooms, already curios to know who were visiting. Didn't Sky say it was a HQ and those type of things are probably not said to the public?

When he gang got down, they saw a young man, who was standing beside Sky, talking with her. He had the same navy-blue eyes and hair. And somehow, he was like, the boy version of Sky. Handsome, they knew that at first glance. He looked pretty smart. And the type which would make girls follow him around. 

Behind him, the gang spotted four boys, who were looking like they were in their fourteens. One had black hair and matching eyes, but with a bit of spark in them, the one standing next to him had exciting and welcoming brown eyes and chocolate brown hair that shown it's colours proudly in the sunlight. 

The other two looked somewhat like Yuna and Lea, not bad looking, but quiet. Dark brown hair, and eyes that seemed stern, but if you looked closely, you could see softness in them. 

Sophie even wondered if they were twins. 

"Uhm, Sky? Who are these....guys?" Biana asked, gesturing to their guests. 

Sky turned around and steeped aside to fully reveal their guests. "Gang, I want you to meet, Aiden, my older brother," she pointed to the young man, who smiled at  them, " and Bryan, Anthony, Tyler and Leo, our friends. The rest couldn't come, but I'm sure you'll get to meet them soon," she assured and smiled at them. The four boys waved at them shyly. 

"Hey guys! I know I'm pretty old to be in this age group," Aiden joked, making Sky punch him in the arm, "but you and I will probably get along better than I hope." 

The Swan Gang didn't seem to say no to that. 

Even Tam, who had trust issues. 

Aiden was just so...welcoming. 

But could he be trusted?

Aiden held his hands in a 'hold up' signal. "Whoa, does hesitations are strong!" He fanned the air. Just like how Keefe would do it whenever he was around Sophie. 

"You're an Empath too?!" Keefe asked.

Aiden shrugged. "Eh, sibling thing, I guess," he pointed to himself then at Sky.

"Could be. But he does have other abilities besides a emphaty and being a Polyglot. Instead of of a hydrokinetic, he's a Pyrokinetic," Sky pointed out. 

"You too?" Marella asked, then gasped when Aiden snapped his fingers, and a blue flame appeared on his hand. 

"What about these guys?" Biana asked, turning to the four boys. 

"Oh, no we're just normal humans. But we're friends of them," Leo assured, pointing to the girls. 

"I invited others but they had plans. So, these four were the only ones who could make it," Sky explained, extinguishing Aiden's flame with a flick of water. 

"Okay...." Tam said as the two siblings started bickering about putting out the flame. 
"How old are you, Aiden?" Keefe asked, craning his neck to look at Aiden's face. 

"18," he replied, "I'm already in University, but I'm currently a trainee to be a celebrity." He smirked when Sky rolled her eyes. 

"It's not like you don't want to, too!" he argued. 

"Eh, I'd rather focus on my studies first."

Aiden shrugged. "Suit yourself." 

"Anyway," Lea interrupted, "you guys must be pretty bored now, since the Neverseen are locked away in Exile and you pretty much spent your time plotting plans to beat them the last few months. But now, I'm-we're-going to show you what REAL teenage fun is like!" 

Sky's eyes perked up. "You mean the karoake room?" 

Aiden, Yuna, Lina and the four boys looked at  each other eagerly when Lea answered, 

"Yes peeps. We're heading to the Karoake Room." 

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