The four of them walked together towards the leapmaster and shouted at the same time, "Everglen!" and stepped into the beam of light. They had planned to meet each other for an end of year sleepover, along with Tam, Linh, Marella, Dex and Wylie, but decided it was best if they just hung out. (Due to *ahem* some people who are quite mischevious when it comes to the games) 

As they stepped out of the light and in front of the gates of Everglen, 5 familliar figures greeted them. Linh and Marella went over to Sophie and Biana to give each of them a hug and guided them in. 

"Your mum let us in," Linh informed, gesturing to the house. Biana nodded understandingly, and the girls headed inside. 

The boys had jolly-well already headed in. They were huddled together, Tam standing a centimeter back to avoid getting squashed. Because of that, he was the only boy who could be seen from afar and Biana took that chance. She glanced over at Tam, who was crossing his arms and flipping his bangs out of his eyes. The action made Biana's heart flutter like mad and her mind started spinning. 

Unfortunately for her, Sophie saw it, and she was ready to pounce. 

Ooh~! Is that a blush I see? For Tam?" Sophie teased. She had known about Biana's huge crush for Tam. She's had it ever since they met. And the news made Sophie and the others squeal. 

"Biana's what?" Marella chimed in, obviously hearing every word. Linh smirked along and the pressure of being caught made Biana blush even harder. 

"You know, it's so cute you have a crush on my brother. I mean, a lot of girls, or I assumed were, used to swoon when he passed by back at Exilium,(Is it one 'l' or 2?)" Linh added. 

"Really? Oh, okay..." Biana answered, slightly disappointed. 

Linh realized her mistake. "Oh, and n-none of them got together with him! Since, we couldn't see each other's faces and we always distanced ourselves!" Linh corrected, cheering up Biana. 

"Yeah! And Tam probably likes you too! I mean, who can't resist these looks?" Marella pointed out, gesturing to Biana. It was true. The Vackers had extremely beautiful appearances. Biana, following her dad, Alden, has teal eyes and chocolate brown hair. Her heart-shaped lips which came from Della, made her even more pretty. 

"Aw, thanks guys. But, I think Sophie is the most unique here. I mean, isn't she pretty? I bet even the boys-uh I mean boy, my brother can't resist her," Biana replied, smiling. 

But it wasn't an error. It was 'boys'. But, she couldn't tell Sophie that Keefe liked her! Even thought Keefe and Sophie did make a good match. In terms of background and all. 

But Biana had swore to never let the secret out. Of course, it did spread, but only among their friends, except Sophie and Fitz. The rest of them knew about Keefe's mega crush, and they were all trying their best to get those two together. That's why Biana wasn't that thrilled when Fitz announced he liked Sophie, MONTHS later after Keefe had told her that HE liked Sophie!

Gosh, this girl gave everyone headaches. 

Everyone agreed too. That's why, the gang (minus Fitz and Sophie) were planning on how to get those meant-to-be couple together. 

But in the end, it all comes to Sophie's decision. 

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