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Sophie's Pov

Sophie headed to where Biana and Tam were sitting and plopped herself on one of the high chairs. Tam and Biana looked at her with a look. Sophie noticed and turned her head while waving her hand in their direction. "Oh, don't let my presence stop you. It's ok, my heads turned the other way," she informed them. 

Sophie then felt a hand stop her own from moving and turned around to find Biana holding it. Her expression was serious, and Sophie knew there was no hiding now. She sighed. "I broke up with Fitz...he's just too much," she told them.

Biana and Tam gave each other glances, as if Sophie was a child who needed advice and Tam and Biana were the parents. 

But instead of advice, Biana asked, "What happened?" 

Sophie explained everything to them and she felt about it. She even made sure to add a little growl to it all to show both of them how dead serious she was about Fitz being super annoying. Biana and Tam just kept on giving glances at each other, like they had formed some sort of couple telephaty.

"And he even had the damn courage to ask if he was better than Keefe! Of course he isn't!" Sophie finished, clamping her hair back in frustration. 

"Pfft. Really?" Biana snorted. 

Sophie nodded. She was so mad at Fizt right now. Just then, Keefe came over and announced, "Yo, these pancakes are delicious! Try them, Foster! Oh...but you probably already have. Hey Dexy!" he went over to Dex who was rubbing his eyes, giving a look that said "What in the hell is going on in here?" Keefe stabbed a piece of fluffy pancakes into his mouth, which jolted Dex awake. 

He glared at a smiling Keefe but his eyes grew big when he chewed on the pancake. After gulping in down, he exclaimed, "Dude! What is that? I need some more of those!" 

Keefe then threw a dramatic scene of slowly stuffing Dex with another piece and Dex played along, munching on it slowly, like he was savouring the taste. Biana, Tam and Sky laughed. Sophie only smiled. She hadn't realise Keefe could be so...selfless. He'd do anything to make his loved ones happy. 

Sophie suddenly thought back on all the adventours she had with him. All the sacrifice he had made to be with her on every journey. It made Sophie teary realising the fact that Keefe had been her side ever since they met. 

She made a goal to herself, to confess to Keefe soon because she wanted to be with him for the rest of her life, being right by his side forever. 


"Whoa, whoa. WHAT now? You broke up with FITZ?" Lea exclaimed, her big chocolate brown eye widening. Sky, Yuna and Lina had the same expressions, their mouths gaping.

"What did he do?" Sky asked, practiaclly growling so low, it sounded menacing. 

Sophie just gave them the highlights of everything Fitz had said to her, and how she felt about it. Sky looked stunned and just stared at her, speechless. 

When nobody said anything, Linh asked, "But you like Keefe now?" 

Sophie nodded, blushing hard. She just couldn't shake off Keefe's face popping up in her mind all day. His trademark smirk and ice blue eyes that always had a sparkle in them made her heartbeat speed up, three times faster.

Sophie didn't know what it was. The feeling. She had never felt it when she liked Fitz, which she realised was just her mind playing tricks on her, and she'd never thought of Fitz for a whole day like how she was thinking of Keefe. SHE STILL WAS! 

"So, when are you gonna confess to her?" Biana's voice floated in her mind, interrupting her thoughts. Sophie turned to face her and then shrugged. "Probably never," she replied. 

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN PROBABLY NEVER?!" Sky exclaimed, "You HAVE to confess by tomorrow. I wanna hear your whole Sokeefe story from start to finish. I'm not going to miss out on something THIS BIG!" 

Sophie giggled, but her grin faded and she hugged herself when she mumbled, "But what of he doesn't like me anymore?" 

"DOESN'T LIKE YOU?" Biana practically yelled, "That guy would've not given up being with you even if it means being under the wrath of GRADY Sophie! C'mon, just try and confess. I'm sure he'll be kissing you so hard, you'll be out of breath to even LIVE!" Biana exclaimed. 

Sophie shoved her and she giggled. Sophie rolled her eyes but secretly, she DID want that to happen. She wanted to feel what it's like to be kissing someone who was so selfless, caring, funny, heartwarming. She sighed inwardly at the thought. Her mind finally set on the goal: Tomorrow, sunset. Operation 'Confess To Keefe' was go! 

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