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Minho left the party and Jisung's mood went down visibly,

"I found one handsome guy at your party and he leaves, I think I might set this party on fire now" Jisung said, his palms emitting light fire as he got excited to show his power.

"No, NO, we need to calm this thing down. Iz, babe, help me, I don't want my precious house on fire. "

A very panicked Eris said to Izel. Poor Izel, who was totally shocked at Jisung's state and the new nickname used by her crush had to make a lot of effort to calm herself and try to help out the love of her life.

"Maybe I can give you his number? You can message him and if he messages back, strike up a decent conversation? "

Minho needed more friends, Izel alone was not going to be enough, what if he needed someone and Izel was out of town?
She can't let her only bestie die of loneliness, now can she? yeah, she's totally not trying to justify her wrong hasty actions.

The flames of excitement in the squirrel guys' eyes died down and he visibly lit up with happiness.

" Well, I don't feel like setting something on fire today. A number however, sounds quite great so, tell me"
Suddenly, out of nowhere, there was a pen and paper in jisung's hands which shocked both the girls.

Jisung sensed their shock "Oh, I don't have a phone just yet, my last one caught fire, I'm going to buy a new one. Now, speak before my mood changes again, darling. "

Izel and Eris laughed at the younger's state and izel quickly gave him Minho's number.

They talked a bit before Izel had to leave.

Izel had a younger sister who couldn't sleep without Izel, this made her go home early every day. She didn't mind it though, she loved her sister.

She also had a half- brother, his name was Felix. He was the definition of a fluff ball and was loved by everyone.
Izel's  family had moved to town from Australia about 10 months ago. Ever since they moved, Felix had made many friends and Izel usually hung out with them too before she noticed Minho and became friends with him.

(Time skip, next day)

Minho woke up to a furball sitting on his chest, he smiled at his cat, Jureumi, who was cutely napping on top of him.

Minho looked at the time, it was not that late, he still had time to get ready for school.

He dressed up for school and went to the kitchen to get breakfast, he was met with his mom preparing pancakes, "Minho, good morning darling."
His mom said with a warm smile.

He returned the greeting, took some pancakes and left for school.

He usually walked to school but when his parents had work out of town, they dropped him off.

As he was walking, he felt a presence around him and looked around to see a familiar bird .

" You're back? It's been so long since we met . Also, you can change back ,I know it's you seungmin. "

He said to the bird who was now transforming into more of a humanoid figure.
Soon, the bird was completely transformed into a person.

"Hey, hyunjin, you can come out now. I know you're here, I can feel your presence. Also, seung won't go anywhere without you, right seungmin? " Minho said the last sentence in a teasing tone.

He was happy to see his old friends around him again, they had gone away after all the things happened to let him have some time away from the devils.

On hearing Minho's words, the air beside him started to get thick and suddenly, Hyunjin was standing right beside Minho.

Minho wasn't surprised at this anymore, both his old friends were demons and he was used to their powers.

Yes, powers.

All demons have a specific trait that they get from their parents and is unique to the demon families.
That is what makes the demon energy of each family different.

The royals have a huge amount of demon energy and the half demons have very faint energies.

As for his friends, seungmin's trait was shape shifting and hyunjin had powers of invisibility.

He has worked as Minho's invisibility coat a number of times before.

Minho hugged his old friends and told them how much he had missed them.

They talked while they made their way to Minho's school. " Are you guys coming to school yet? " Minho asked out of curiosity.

"No, not yet. We reached tomorrow, so we'll do some unpacking and meet old friends. We'll start school from next week "
They smiled cheekily at the thought of being back to their old school with their old friend group and Minho.

"Well, I'm here so you guys should go and do your stuff or whatever or maybe have a make out sesh "
Minho smirked at his statement as he watched the other two go tomato red.

They said their goodbyes and Minho made his way to his classroom.

He spotted Izel in a deep conversation with Eris, so didn't disturb them and made his way to his seat at the back.

The teacher came in after some time and introduced a new guy.

Minho recognized him to be the squirrel being from the night before.

"Heya fellas, Jisung is my name and I look forward to setting fires with you guys. " He introduced himself making finger guns.

He walked over to the empty seat beside Minho and seated himself comfortably.

"There are other vacant seats in the front you know. "

Minho said  pointing to the vacant seat in the front row while shooting daggers from his eyes at Jisung.

"Oh baby, where's the fun in that. My beautiful devil boy is sitting here alone at the back, who am I to leave him lonely and go somewhere else? "

Jisung spoke coolly looking at the older with innocent eyes and making a baby face. Minho fake gagged at this action of Jisung making him a bit mad .

"First of all, the devil here is you and second of all, fire is not my thing, so if you want to set fires with someone so much just go find someone else. "

And the bell rang to indicate the start of the first lecture.
Minho left the classroom to go to his first class but was stopped by a hand pulling his shirt.

"What do you mean by saying that I'm the devil here? I haven't done anything to you baby " Jisung said showing a gummy smile and then added "yet".


Just so you know, jisung is a year younger than Minho but he's a smarty ass, he can skip a grade now, can't he?

Thank you for reading
See you guys next chapter :D

-- noor

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