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Third person pov:

" Yes it was him. I met....... Hwajoon"

As soon  as Minho said this, hyunjin gasped loudly.

" You don't have to tell us all this. It's ok. Take your time. "
Hyunjin said , worry laced in his voice.

" It's okay, I want to. I trust you guys. "


" Hey, watch where you're going"
Seungmin shouted from behind Minho who was walking with his head into a book.

But it was too late, Minho already bumped into a buff guy making him fall to the floor.

Minho's book went flying and he fell on top of the buff dude.

" I'm so sorry. I was not paying attention."

Minho said as he stood up and held out a hand for the other guy.

He got up with minho's help
" It's alright, I wasn't looking in my way either. "

He was lying, he saw Minho coming his way and purposely bumped into him.

Minho was the cute nerd guy who was extroverted and liked to make friends.

He had caught the attention of the buff dude from day one.

" Oh no, it's not. How can I make it up to you "
Minho said worriedly.
" Well, you can buy me a coffee sometime if you insist. "

Minho was happy with that answer.
He did find the guy to be quite attractive.

" I am Minho by the way. "
He said extending his arm for a hand shake. " Lee Minho. "

The other guy took his hand " Hwajoon. " He said with his deep manly voice " Wi Hwajoon "

And that was the start of their sweet relationship which was sweet for a whole year.


( time skip - one year after they met )

Minho's pov :

I was sitting  beside seungmin ,  my best friend along with his boyfriend hyunjin.

They were currently bickering over some short guy and I wasn't interested in their fight at all.

I was just waiting for hwajoon to come back so we could hang out.
He had left me with the new couple to get us drinks.

I smiled as I saw him come back but something was different.

I could feel a different type of energy and it felt weird.
Maybe it was because I turned 18 last week.

Ever since my birthday, I could sense weird vibes coming from my boyfriend and some other people.

It was weird but I decided to ignore it and hugged my boyfriend.

" Did these guys not entertain my angel?"
He asked with an amused voice.

" They are having their couple fight. I don't wanna get into that. " Minho said with a pout as he snuggled his head into hwajoon's chest.

"It's okay, darling. I'm here now. "
He said, but Minho got it again, the weird vibe. He pulled back and looked into his boyfriend's eyes.

He could see hunger and fire in them.
Hwajoon had always been sweet, why did he look so scary right now.

Minho shook off his head, he was just being paranoid. It's nothing.

But.... It wasn't nothing.

After two months, he was met with a lady, a very charming one. She told him that she was hwajoon's sister and was there to meet her brother.

Minho had heard hwajoon talk about his sister before so he let her in and waited for hwajoon to come back.

He gave her a warm cup of coffee and settled  down on a couch beside her.

" I'm gonna cut to the chase. "

Hwajoon's sister said out of nowhere.

Minho didn't know what this was about but nodded his head for her to go on.

"Did he or did he not tell you? "
She asked worriedly.

" Tell me about what? "
Minho asked utterly confused.

" Oh god, he didn't. See, this is gonna be confusing and unbelievable but trust me when I tell you , your boyfriend is not a human. "

" Why should I trust you? I just met you and you are spewing some strange nonsense. I believe we wait for my man to come back and have a good little family chat. "

" But he's not coming back. " She said and Minho could trace some feeling in her voice. Grief? Yes that's what it was.

" What do you mean? " The answer that Minho got to this question was something he never thought he would believe. But he did, he sensed it but realised it now.

The answer was simple.

Hwajoon was not human. He never was.

He was a demon, a devil.

The story of the devils is quite complicated but Minho could finally fit all the pieces together.

The devils had some traits that only their family could do and that fascinated him.

He asked hwajoon's sister, mina, to tell him more about this and their family trait.

As much as he was scared and didn't want to believe it, it all made too much sense and his curiosity got the best of him.

He found out that the family trait of haajoon was manipulation and mind magic but he was never one to use it.
He disagreed to use it when his parents asked and this they sent him to earth.

Being a devil on earth was considered both good and bad. Good for those who were bored in the old house.

They never called the place hell, wherever they came from, if they were banished to earth it was the old house for them. No name for the place and those who lived there called it home.

So, those on earth were usually trouble causing devils or devils sent for some specific work. The only exceptions were the royals, they could come and lead an earth life if they wanted.

Being on earth was considered bad as the humans were evil creatures. They can do anything to get what they want. They are more evil than the devils and it scares them.

The devils can get their identity outed and all humans will want to burn them.

The devils can't fight against a whole town no matter how powerful.

So that's why there was a thing called stops for them. If they messed up at a place and people started getting suspicious, they would move to the next stop.

The last stop as Minho found out, to his surprise was the town he lived in.

A devil who was banished, if came to the last stop and messed up would be imprisoned but if the devil came to earth for fun and somehow reached the last stop would be sent back to the old place and serve as the punishers of manipulative psychopaths.

As crazy as it might seem, even the devils couldn't  deal with the evil souls of dead murderers.

Minho thought that humans were supposed to be scared of the devils but the reality was the exact opposite.

After all this was told, they both sat in silence until Minho broke it,

" If you are supposed to be so cautious about humans knowing your existence, why did you tell me all this? " He questioned.

" Because...... I need you

To break my brother out. "


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