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Third person pov :

"What did you mean I'm the devil here? I haven't done anything to you baby ...... Yet. "

With that, jisung let go of minho's hand and Minho took this opportunity to take his leave as quickly as he could.

It was a dangerous and threatening move, minho's heart should not be beating this fast. Minho put a hand to his chest.

He knew this guy was advancing on him and that he was bad for him but Minho had seen worse.

"You doing good, bud? "

"Hyunjin , you are not supposed to be here, you sneaky bitch. Go make out with your hubby bubby or whatever you call him. "
  Hyunjin smacked minho's chest lightly and bit back a smile at the mention of his lover.

"I was just checking up on you, you hoe. That's not how you treat someone who cares about you "
Hyunjin said faking a hurt expression but exaggerating it, being the drama queen he is.

" Go away, you stalker, I'm late to my class" Minho shooed hyunjin away and entered his class.

(Time skip - recess)

The bell rang indicating it was recess time and Minho made his way towards Izel who was waiting for him but she was not alone.

She was standing in the middle of a small group which was radiating a huge amount of demon energy.

Minho saw this and tried to run back away but bumped into a figure behind him.
He turned around to see none other than Izel's brother, Felix.

On recognizing Minho, Felix's face turned into the most beautiful smile Minho had seen, his eyes were like small crescents amd his face was shining as if he was an angel and his freckles made his face glow more and-

" I know I'm beautiful but you could stop staring and return my hello. " Felix said with a chuckle.

Minho was brought out of his trance and gave the younger an apology.

" Hey felix, sorry I got lost in my thoughts. " He said with embarrassment laced in his voice.

"Lost in thoughts or my face? " Felix smirked at the older put an arm around his shoulder.

" Why are you going back? Aren't you gonna go to Iz? "

Felix saw how Minho tensed at his question and figured it was probably because Izel had many people around her.

Minho might not be comfortable around much people, considering what Felix had heard about him from Izel.

" Hey, how about we go take a tour around school. I know  none of us is new but we can take that fire kid with us. "

Felix said with a cheeky smile at the thought of making a new friend.

"Are you guys talking about me"

A voice said from behind them which didn't take Minho long to recognize.

" Yeah, it'll help us get closer and you'll get familiar with the school surroundings. "
Felix said in a cheery voice , jumping up and down from excitement like a five year old

(a/n - I'm f0ive)

"Well, if you say so lix. I don't think I can say no to you when you're being this cute. "
Minho cooed at his cuteness, not feeling the person  beside them burning of jealousy, like literally burning.

Jisung had to take some deep breaths to calm him down or he would have set the school on fire on his first day and he didn't want that.

While going round the school, Felix got a message from Izel saying he was needed so he left the minsung boys alone.

" Oh baby, how long I have wanted to be with you alone. "

Jisung said as if they were life long lovers being separated by the cruel family.

Minho let out an irritated groan and snapped at Jisung.

"What do you want from me? " Minho said with poison in his voice.

"If I told you what I really wanted then you'll be scared, babyboy. " Jisung smirked.

It took Minho some time to regain himself and talk in a normal manner.

" Go away from me you unholy being. "

Jisung gasped dramatically and put a hand to his chest putting on a 'hurt face'.

"That shit doesn't work on me, ' babyboy' ."

Minho said reverting the nickname at Jisung.

Minho started to leave.

He followed him and whispered in his ear, " You have a great back, I wonder how it'll look under me ,devil boy. "

"Keep wondering, cause you ain't ever seeing that , demon. "

Minho whispered back , winking at a stunned Jisung.

(Time skip- Minho is home and Felix and Izel are hanging out with him)

" He is not bad, trust me. He gave me his hoodie when I was cold last night. "

Felix was trying to change Minho's view of his crush by telling him good things about the cute being.

So far, Minho had listened to him for three hours straight, Izel was used to listening to it everyday so she had fallen asleep at some point knowing she won't be missing any tea.

At first, it was interesting tea for Minho but three hours is too long to listen someone gush about their crush with heart eyes.

But Felix looked cute while gushing so he didn't mind a lot.

"Oh my god, oh my god. " Felix suddenly shouted out of nowhere.

" You know that hyunjin guy, my baby's ex, he is back in town with his current bf and we are giving them a welcome back party, you are going to come right? I heard they both were your good friends. "
Felix asked while looking at Minho.

" I was, but now I'm not too sure. Hyunjin that bitch never told me he had an ex. I'm so going to kill him. "

After some time, he spoke again.

" I can feel you, you know that right. Stop hiding you coward and stop following me around"

Minho said in an  annoyed tone which made hyunjin become visible.

" Okay, I admit I didn't tell you about changbin because you seem to be bitter about him and we are having a party, you are going to come. I'll not follow you around anymore, I don't wanna die. And "
He turned his attention to Felix who had turned pale from the sudden appearance,

" I'm not some hyunjin guy, I'm Hwang Hyunjin and the current bf has a name and it's Seungmin. "

Hyunjin said with sass and disappeared.

After some time, they heard the door open and close, indicating hyunjin had left.

Minho turned to Felix but he had calmed down as  Izel was explaining him the situation.

" We just had a party yesterday, what is this now? "

Minho said extremely hating the idea of a party.

" That was for a lot of people, here only a selected group of us will be there . "

Felix who was now calm and in a normal state explained happily.

" Ugh, I'll need some good clothes then "

Minho said and disappeared into his closet to look for clothes.


Another partayy 👀

Thank you for reading,,
Hope you guys enjoyed ✨✨✨✨

I'm trying to make this story as good as I can 💖

-- noor

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