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(Flashback continuation)

Minho pov:

" I need you to break my brother out. "

"What do you mean break him out? Is he in some kind of demon jail that doesn't allow you to come to earth? "

"Well..... You can say that. "

"Okay, so I'm not getting this. Explain to me why am I believing you ,again? "

" How would I know that? I'm not a mind reader. " Mina said making a mocking face.

"So I'm not clear about this old place thing. Why is it so important and all that."

"You can think of it as if this world is a jail.
The royals are visitors, they can come and visit as they like.
There are some demons who are banished here, you can think of them as the prisoners , they are stuck in this place with no powers or ability to go back.
Some demons are sent here on royal order to get some work done, they can be the jail keepers, they come, do their required work and go back home. "

She explained as if she was a professor at some college.

"That still doesn't answer my question"
I said, getting annoyed.

"Ugh, okay fine. It is so easy, how can you not understand that. "

"Well, you are not a very good orator. " I sassed back.

"Okay so the place where I come from, my home town, my home world.
It's the old place, the place outside of this jail.
And I called it the old place because that's what I like. Saying 'my realm' sounds quite weird. "

"Well, doesn't this 'old place' have a name? " I asked emphasising the words 'old place' making air quotations with my hands.

Mina sighed,
" Of course, it does.  It's a realm, all realms have names.
But i can't go around telling people my realms name. "

"Why not? "

" Young man, you ask a lot of questions and it's getting me annoyed."

"Well young woman, you suck at story telling. Never try to be a teacher or something. "

Mina stomped her feet on the ground frustrated and pulled at her hair.

"I can't tell the realm name because if a human knows the name of a demon's realm, he has an advantage over them. It's a weakness. And it's supposed to be hidden "

"Ohh, you could have just said that to begin with. Would have saved my words."

"I don't get what my brother saw in you. You are such an annoying asshole. "

"Thank you, I enjoy it. "
I said bowing to her with a mocking smile.

"Also, the last stop thing you told me about. Why are you guys so afraid of humans, aren't you powerful than them?"
I questioned after processing all the new info I had gotten. Humans are weak against people with power, this  is quite confusing that they are afraid of us.

" Humans, "  Mina sighed deeply, " Are more evil than us. I have told you this before. They will find us, find our weakness, torture us and end us. Many have been through it, we don't wanna risk it. " She said gloomily and continued,

"And the stops are quiet towns, who won't suspect us. The people don't care what we do, they see us and walk away like we're ghosts.

But there are limits, sometimes we do something that is too much even for them. They start suspecting and we have to move.

We move to lots of places but when a demon has gone through a fixed number of places for causing trouble, we can't trust that demon.

That demon will surely be outed at some point and our realm will be in danger.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2023 ⏰

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