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"How was the concert, Francis dear?" Antonio mocked.

"And what is with that turtle neck? Scandalous if you ask me," Gilbert added.

They both began to poke at me, as we walked into the club room. "Stop! We only went as friends!" I defended. Okay, we ended up having sex, and I didn't tell them, but they didn't have to know all the details. Then again, they didn't know I had developed feelings for him. "You two have gotten awfully close; what changed?" Antonio asked.

"Yeah, well, WE are close..."

"Yeah, that doesn't count; we have known you for a long time," Gilbert spoke.

"Okay, seriously, you have to tell us; we know when you've been acting strange—"

"FRANCIS! THERE IS A GIRL HERE THAT NEEDS TO TALK TO YOU!" Alfred came in, yelling. We all turned to him annoyed, and Kiku shook his head. "Alfred, can you not be so loud?" Kiku asked. "Nope!" Alfred laughed.

"No, really, a girl is asking for you," he spoke. Everyone looked at me, and Gilbert began to shake me. "It's a love confession! You have to say yes!" Antonio spoke. "Uhhh..." I spoke.

I stood up quickly and looked at everyone nervously. "You got this! Hopefully, she doesn't think the turtle neck is a turn-off!" Antonio mocked. I rolled my eyes at him and shook my head. "Idiots..."

"Do me a favor, don't tell Arthur where I went, I have a feeling he'd kill me," I spoke.

"Yes, officer!" Gilbert and Antonio spoke in unison.

~Arthur Pov~

I managed to leave my classes early by finishing my work. I took the opportunity to get a head start on the main campus. I didn't mind the walk since it was only once a week that I had to do this.

After the fight I had a couple of weeks ago, I've been trying to show my brother that I can be responsible, even if it pisses me off. However, Francis did, metaphorically slap some sense into me.

Ahhhh, thinking about him makes me happy.

I never thought I'd act this way toward anyone, but here I was. The memories I now had from the other night were burnt into my brain. The feelings I felt for him, the way he made me feel...it was euphoric.

I wanted to do it again, I wanted him again and no one else.

I entered the main building as the bell rang, signaling that classes were over. I began to walk to the club room when I ran into my brother. "Hey! What are you doing? Aren't you early?" Dylan spoke. "Yeah, I finished my work, and the teacher let me go. Is Alistair around?" I asked, looking around.

"No, he is in a meeting, You can not keep avoiding him every time," Dylan laughed. "Well, I'm going to go, I'll see you later," I spoke, not responding.

"Stay out of trouble!" He called. I started to run up the stairs as I gave him a thumbs up. "Yeah! I know!" I spoke.

I began walking down the hallway and started to feel sleepy. Maybe they won't mind if I took a nap? I wasn't usually one to sleep like that, but I was tired for some reason. Well, maybe it was the lack of sleep last night.

If I was going, to be honest, I stayed up late because I was trying to figure out ways to get Francis to admit that he likes me. I knew he did!

He was too stubborn to admit it!

That idiot!

Either way, I couldn't figure out what to do.

"Hey, I'm here," I spoke.

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