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"ALRIGHT, LOSERS! I have the cameras we talked about last week! And some things to help develop the photos! Thanks to Arthur pitching in, we have all the needed materials!" Gilbert started.

"Yes, we have about two months to develop something for the winter festival! Also, we have the jar and themes that all of us wrote down," I smiled. I had a clipboard, and we were checking off things. "We are already behind the other clubs and organizations, so we must do our best! Also, don't neglect your studies; as usual, we are required to do grade checks, so we must submit ours by the end of next week!" I added.

This was a lot of stuff to do. I looked around and noticed Arthur was not there yet. "Hmm, have you seen Arthur?" I asked. Everyone shrugged, and I placed the jar of themes down. Maybe we should have waited for him, but he took too long.

"SORRY I AM LATE!" The door slammed open.

We all jumped and turned. I was in awe as I stared at him. Arthur was in the school uniform, and it fit him perfectly. His piercings were gone, and he looked proper. His hair was still messy, but he looked like a normal student. "Whoa, nerd alert!" Alfred teased. "Shut it! We all wear the same thing!" Arthur glared.

He was breathing heavily and took a seat. I knew this would happen. The building he was in was farther than ours, so I expected him to be late. "What did I miss?" Arthur asked.

"We are going over the list of things we need to do; Gilbert thanked you for pitching in; we have everything we need to continue. Also, we have two months till the winter festival," I recalled quickly. He nodded at me and wiped the sweat from his forehead. "I see; that seems like a lot," he spoke.

"No worries, though! We do things slowly! Now first things first! We need to set up the room for picture development!" Antonio started. Alfred began to look at the blackening curtains and held them up. "These containers and liquid are for when we develop the photos. These ropes hang up on the wall so the photos can hang. Then the curtains are to block out any light that might come into the room," Gilbert explained.

"Right! Let's get to work! Alfred and Kiku will help put the curtains up, Arthur and Francis will hang the rope, and Gilbert and I will write the instructions for all of us! Deal?" Antonio smiled. I looked over to Arthur, annoyed, and shrugged. "Yeah, fine," Arthur spoke.

Arthur and I grabbed the rope they brought and took one end first. The rope was thin and light, so it didn't take much skill. "Where should we hang it up?" I asked. "How about over here?" He asked. He pointed to the left wall, and I nodded. "Okay, more room for pictures," I spoke.

"Can you reach the top?" I asked. He shook his head and began to pull up a chair to stand on. "This should help," he explained. Arthur stepped on the chair, holding the end of the rope. "Here, take my hand," I started. I placed my hand in front of him to grab, which he took hesitantly. I watched him carefully to ensure he did not fall, and once he stood up, he wobbled a bit, but I held his back carefully.

"Don't let me fall," he demanded.

"Never," I spoke.

I handed him some pins, and he began to tie the thin rope around the ends. "This should work," he spoke. I nodded at him, and he started to tip-toe to reach the top of the wall. "HEY! STOP MESSING WITH ME!" Alfred demanded. Gilbert was tickling him as Alfred stood up on the chair. Kiku was holding Alfred up nervously, and Alfred had his hands on his shoulders.

I rolled my eyes at them and continued to ensure Arthur didn't fall by placing my left hand on his lower back. He put his hands on his hips gently, and I looked up. "How does this look?" He asked. "It looks good," I smiled.

"GILBERT, STOP!" Antonio cried. Gilbert had begun chasing Antonio around the table. "They are going to end up hurting someone," Arthur spoke. He began pulling some of the rope around the palm of his hand and shook his head.

"MOVE IT!" Antonio yelled. He shoved Gilbert, and then Gilbert began flinging his arms around, trying to catch himself. "HEY! WATCH OUT—"

Arthur and I looked at him horrified as he slipped on some of the curtains left on the floor. I quickly held Arthur up, seeing that Gilbert was about to crash into us.


It was like everything was in slow motion as Gilbert fell into Arthur. The chair immediately tipped over, and Arthur tried grabbing onto the rope. However, the rope did not save him since it was a thin piece held up with a pin.

I felt horrified as I saw Arthur falling backward. I tried to hold him up with my hand, but the weight from Gilbert was too much, and soon enough...



Arthur elbowed me in the face as he tried to grab onto me, but as soon as I held my arms up to catch him, he knocked me to the ground and fell on top of me.

It knocked the air from my lungs as he landed on my chest. Gilbert fell over the chair, and I could see him struggling to get up. "OH MY GOD! Are you okay?" Antonio ran to Gilbert, and Alfred and Kiku ran to help Arthur.

I pretty much cushioned his fall, so he stood up with no problem. However, I was lying on the floor, on my back, thinking about all my life decisions that led me to this point. "Are you okay?" Kiku asked. "Yes, I'm fine; Francis broke my fall," Arthur spoke.

Alfred suddenly pulled me up and looked horrified at my face. "Bro, holy shit! Did you hit him?" Alfred asked. Once Antonio helped Gilbert, everyone looked at me, horrified, and I already knew what had happened.

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