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"My room is a little messy; I didn't clean up this morning," I explained. He had his arms crossed as I placed my hand on the knob. "For Christ's sake, just open it already," he said, annoyed. I nodded and slowly opened the door. I reached for the light switch, and when it flicked on, Arthur walked in. I closed the door behind us, and he still had his arms crossed, only he didn't look mad, just observing my room.

"It isn't messy," he spoke softly. I smiled at him nervously and walked to my closet where the boxes were. They were filled with my sister's things that she dumped in my room. She didn't have enough space in her room then, but now she does.

Arthur walked up behind me as I looked to the top of my closet. Now I remember why I avoided it all the time."Honestly, you must be so useless for your sister to ask someone else for help."

There it was...

His godforsaken attitude.

My head shot around, and I glared at him. He had a smirk on his face. Arthur began to untuck his shirt annoyed, and rolled up his sleeves. "You mind?" He asked. He suddenly jumped on my bed and started to mess up the covers. "Yes, I do, actually," I spoke. I walked over to him, grabbed one of the magazines I had lying on my nightstand, and began to smack him with it. "I'm the guest! You have to be nice to me!"

"I don't have to do anything," I hit. He grabbed my pillow to protect himself, and I threw the magazine down. I then started to try and snatch the pillow from him. However, he would not budge. "Oh Francis, you are teasing me," he laughed. It was like we were playing tug-of-war with the pillow. Arthur gave me a huge smirk, letting go of the pillow. The sudden force caused me to fall over as I pulled the pillow away from him.

I pushed the pillow off me and glared at him from the floor. "FRANCIS! You are so funny! I love messing with you!" He laughed. He began laughing so much that he held his stomach from it. This guy...

I looked at him as he laughed and stood up. "You think this is funny?" I asked. I began walking toward him, and he stopped laughing. Arthur leaned his head on his left hand as he placed his other arm on his hip. He had his left leg in an arch and lay on his side as he began to smile. "I think it is absolutely hilarious," he smiled.

This delinquent!

"Come on, you said you'd help," I groaned. I tried pulling him from the bed, but he began to weigh himself down. "Francis..." he started. I stopped pulling and looked at him, confused at how he said my name. It was sweet and soft and threw me off.


Arthur reached for me and suddenly pulled me to the bed beside him. "What is up with you? I can't tell if you hate me or not!" I glared. Arthur began to climb on top of me, and he placed his hands on my shoulders, holding me down. "You can say that I'm still deciding. Although, that bruise I gave you doesn't make you look as cute anymore," he spoke softly. Arthur slowly moved his left hand from my shoulder onto my cheek where the bruise was.

My eyes widened at everything he said and what he was doing. He looked at me sternly. His face was solemn as he continued to hold me down. He moved his hand from my cheek to my hair and began running his hand through it.

Wait a minute...

What the hell is happening?

"Francis, listen to me carefully; I am only going to say this once," he spoke in a deep voice. My eyes widened, and he began to inch closer to my face. "What?" I asked. This new aura, this was not hate, this felt...


Arthur came closer, pressing his cheek against mine. He breathed out slowly, and it nearly made me get shivers. I felt my heart beating faster, and my face was getting hot the longer he stayed there."What is it?" I asked. His hair poked my skin softly, and I felt every inch of his torso and arms touch me. His legs were around mine as he sat on my lap. He touched my cheeks and suddenly looked at me very closely. Our foreheads were touching, and he began to observe me. However, I knew that I was turning red.

Arthur suddenly smiled at me, giving me a better look at him. He looked so beautiful. Why did he have to be such a dick?

"You are foolish."

My eyes widened at what he said.


I immediately grabbed his face, and he looked at me, shocked. "What are you doing?" He spoke. He tried to get away from me, but I immediately pushed myself up and held him close so he would not try leaving. Something had come over me. It was not anger or annoyance. It was something else. Arthur looked at me, shocked, and I proceeded to wrap my legs around him so he would not move away from me.

"Aww, did I make you mad?" He mocked. I began to glare at him, and he then glared back. "The longer you stare at me, the more I think you want to kiss me," He laughed. I began laughing at what he said, and I continued to hold him still. "Is that what you've wanted this whole time?" I asked. He looked at me, confused, and I knew what to do. Something that would shut him up for a while.

"What are you talking about?" He asked.

I smiled at him, and without a second thought, I kissed him. I held his head close as I pressed my lips against him. Arthurs' lips were soft and sweet, and I would have liked it more if he did not annoy me so much. He tried pushing me away, but I continued to kiss him.

Once I let go, he looked at me horrified, face reddened at what just happened. "Now, will you shut up and help me move the boxes?" I asked. He nodded at me, horrified, and I finally let him go. I knew he would finally shut up if I did that.

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