Chapter 1: Me

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Will be uploading at least once a week :)

It's my first time writing so enjoy!


Day 299

I can't live on like this. I'm slowly losing my mind. I'm slowly losing the grip on myself. I feel weak. I feel dead. I feel fatigue. Dang. When was the last time I felt strong? I can't remember. I want to feel strong again. I think I'll go crazy if I were to stay here any longer. I must escape. I have to get out of here. I'll go crazy if I stay here any longer. I can feel my insanity slowly eating me away. I can't live on like this. I'll escape... somehow. I have no authority here. I am forced to do things against my will. Everything here sucks. I am feeling like my old self again. I don't want to feel like my past self, that weak, little, filthy, coward animal. I must do it.

I jotted that down into my trusty notebook, before slamming it in frustration and tossing myself into my bed, if you can call it a bed. I closed my eyes and I slowly drifted to the place where it all started, to the reason why I am "here", to that damned memory...


It all started when I was 20 years old, and I was a student studying in university. I was a small and weak person, and that caused me to be a "bully magnet". I was often bullied in school, especially by the two most notorious, two-faced bully, Sasaki and Kaito. They never failed to bother me everyday, sometimes extorting money from me. I tried to tell my teachers about it, but they never, ever believed me, because Sasaki and Kaito were the "teacher's pet" and they would only bully me when we were alone. I know what you're probably thinking. You dumb piece of shit, just tell your parents! Surely they would believe you! How dumb can you go?

Look who's the dumb one here. I did tell my parents. They would just tell me to "suck it up" or "fight them back". Yup. I do not have a happy family. I am always abused since young, by both my mother and father, they would always call me a reject, a failure, a disgrace. I never had a happy childhood. Look at you, getting whatever you want from your parents. Look at me, getting nothing and scars and beat marks. I never had anyone. I hated myself. Why was I born into this cruel world? Sometimes I would think about committing suicide and I never even had the courage to end my life. Sometimes I would even go to church and pray, begging the "Deity" that he would help me, but like everyone, he ignored my prayers.


"Lights out!" I heard a voice roar, snapping me back to reality. Why was I so weak? Why was I so miserable? Well to the "sinners", look who's laughing now? I was such a joke back then. I smirked to myself. I fell into another memory, the beginning, the birth of the new "me".


It was at night. I was strolling in the park. There was barely anyone as it was 3am. Yep, you probably guessed it. Another round of abuse from my parents. I figured that the park is the best place for me to rest and relax. I took in a deep breath. Tears trickled down my face. Why am I so miserable? Why can't I just end my own fucking life? Everything sucks. I wish my parents, Sasaki and Kaito would disappear. I hate them. I hate myself.

Oh, my fate. As if on cue, I suddenly heard a loud, familiar, bossy voice of "Hey loser!" ring in my ears. My spine froze. I froze. Oh god. Please tell me I'm just hallucinating and I'm just hearing random voices in my head. Please not them, please god!

I was about to take flight when a hard, strong push came from behind. I lunged forward and fell to the ground. God didn't hear my prayers, after all. I mean, who even helped me. I turned around. As expected, the two looming figures of Sasaki and Kaito towered over me.

"H-h-hey, wh-wh-what's up?" I stuttered, fear slowly covering every inch of my body.

"Sup loser, heard you tried to hit on my girl a few days back." Sasaki said, earning a smirk from Kaito.

"I-I'm sorry I-I di-didn't know sh-she was yours" I pleaded.

"It's okay, all you get is one punch" After saying that, he swung his fist at me. Kaito laughed.

"Don't you dare to try to touch my girl anymore," he hissed.

I nodded.

"And now, Kaito and I are in need of some money now. Would you be so kind to borrow us $5 million?" Sasaki demanded.

"Five million dollars?? I don't have that much!" I retorted

"Oh we know you do, I heard u have very rich parents! Lend us $5 million, or you will get it from us" he said, cracking his knuckles.

"I told you I can't! I-I dont have tha-" before I could continue, I was interrupted by a punch from Kaito. Sasaki smirked and kicked me. Both of them started to punch and kick me.

"Stop, p-please!" I pleaded, curling myself on the floor in pain. God please make this end soon. I could only pray that this would end soon.

"Now, would you borrow us $5 million, you filthy little animal?" Kaito asked, as the both of them continued to hit me, laughing.

Upon hearing that, a fire sparked in me. A really huge fire sparked in me.

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