Chapter 7: Be Free!

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SORRY i didn't upload on time cuz i was trying to finish chpt 8 along with chpt 7 to post both together but heres chpt 7 :)


"Inmate 8181, wake up," I heard a booming voice, followed by a thud on my door. I smiled. Maybe this is my chance. Heh. Opportunity never knocks twice. I ignored the voice.

"Inmate 8181, this is your last warning. Wake up or you will be in trouble," The voice of the guard got louder, but I did not move an inch.

After a few seconds of silence, I heard the door unlocking. Any moment now... Then I heard footsteps.


Then I opened my eyes and glared at him. He was shocked and he stumbled. I took the baton that was in his pocket and he tried to punch me. I dodged the punches, and hit him in the head with the baton. He cried in agony. I closed the door to prevent any excessive noise and aroused the other guards' attention. Next, I continued beating him down with the baton, each hit getting stronger. I hit and hit and hit until his skull cracked open. He lay there motionless. Blood was splattered everywhere. I licked my lips then the baton. Tasty, I have not tasted this in a long time. I looked at myself in the mirror. The previous me is coming back. I smirked. I washed the blood away, before changing into the guards uniform. I took my notebook and left the cell. I locked the door behind me. I slowly strolled out of prison, with my head hung low to avoid any guards recognising me. After leaving the prison, I took a deep breath. Ah the smell, the smell of freedom. And not forgetting that I felt strong again. I danced as I walked further away from the prison.

After a minute or so, I heard the prison bell ringing. Tch, they must've already noticed I'm gone, time to make a run for it. I stopped dancing and took flight into the forest. I ran as fast as my legs could take me. After a few minutes of sprinting, I was tired. Luckily, I spotted a nearby lake. I decided to take a rest. I sipped water from the lake, knowing that I have drank from worse places before. I enjoyed every last sip I took.

Then, I heard a branch breaking from a distance. Tsk, they sure have gotten really fast. This might take a while, but it's interesting. I smiled, I have not had fun in months, maybe years. This is definitely entertaining to me. I ran to a bush and hid in it.

"Check the nearby area, I don't think he has gone that far," I heard a police officer say. That's right, I'm right here, in the bush. I thought to myself and I prevented myself from laughing. Then I saw reinforcements arriving. They went in all directions. From the corner of my eyes, I spotted a lone ranger. Unlucky guy, and that's why you never go solo. I waited for the perfect opportunity.

When he was in front of the bush, I pounced at him. Before he could react or scream, I covered his mouth and took the knife from the guard's pocket and slit his throat. He gagged and held his throat before collapsing on the floor. I looked around. No one is here, except for 5 police cars. I smiled. I went to one of the police cars and punctured all its 4 tires, before going on to the other 3. I hopped into the last one and hotwired the engine. Soon enough, the engine roared, and that probably must have been heard by the other policemen, or else they're deaf. I drove off and from the mirror, I saw some policemen running at me while some were trying to hop into their vehicles. No use, I punctured all your tires, I'm not dumb. I smirked. Finally free!

I raced to an isolated street, where I saw a guy walking into an alley. I might need a change of clothes. This guy looks like he is wearing my size. I hopped off the police car, and I followed him into the alley.

"Hey man, nice clothes," I spoke when I got closer to him.

"Hey thanks... police officer?" He looked around and saw me, with a look of confusion.

"Oh my god, you are-" He continued.

"Yes I am," I interrupted him. I smiled. I lunged at him, before stabbing him in the temple. Can't risk my new clothes getting stained with blood. I thought to myself as I unbuttoned his shirt and pants, and wore it for myself. Next I continued deeper into the alley. Suddenly, I heard the blaring sound of a siren. The police are here. I fled from the scene.

Time skip to hours later

"The serial killer who killed 11 people, Yuuto, also known as The Almighty, has escaped from prison. There is a full scale investigation going all around the city. Please stay safe and make sure you do not go out alone at night-" I was listening to the radio when I yawned and turned off the radio. Apparently, there is a full scale investigation that is currently going on as they combed the whole city, only to find no traces of me, not even a shadow. I, on the other hand, had made myself comfortable in an isolated hut near the city, deep in the forest. The hut is simple with basic necessities to live. A small radio was giving a report about my escape. I fiddled with my knife while lying down. My stomach growled. Guess I'm hungry. Time to go for a hunt. I thought to myself as I stood up and left the house.

I had set a simple trap for animals like rabbits and deers so that they would not be able to escape. I hid in a nearby bush.

After a few minutes of boring waiting, I heard a small crack. I looked up. I saw a deer. Heh, my luck. I thought, tugging on a rope. A knife flew out and sliced the deer's leg. It cried in agony. I came out of the bush. I squatted next to it and looked at it.

"Aw you poor little thing, thanks for being my dinner," I laughed as I placed each of my hands on each side of the head, before twisting my hands in a clockwise direction. There was a snap in its neck. It laid there. Finally, something to eat. I took the deer and I carried it back to the hut. I began dissecting the deer, skinning it to remove its fur, only to be left with the meat. I went out of my hut and created a small fire. You all, I will not be caught because it was very hazy at night and the smoke from the flames will just mingle with the haze, so no one will notice (author note: yes once agn this is plot armour, and im pretty sure theres a whole lot more plot armour HAHAHA hope u enjoy reading agn!)

Time skip to after dinner

I took a last bite from the deer. The deer sure was tasty, as compared to prison food I was full. I extinguished the fire and went back into the hut. I lay in bed. My eyelids soon grew heavy. After the crazy day today, I sure was exhausted. Soon, darkness overcame me and I fell into another dream. 

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