Chapter 5: "Missing"

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New chapter. This is where I stopped writing

I'll try to update every Monday if I can.

Thanks! :)

Time skip a few days

I stared at the whiteboard as the lecturer goes off about telling his life story or something. I yawned. This is getting boring. There's no interesting stuff, no nothing. I am itching for some fun. Nowadays I am just going to school and going back home and repeat. I cannot find a perfect prey to hunt. School is boring. Everything is boring. Although I am beginning to make some new friends, by wearing a "mask".

Then, an interesting thought came into my mind. Heheh this might get interesting. At least a little fun for me now. I thought to myself, anticipating a little fun after school ended.

Cut to after school

"Hey Yuuto, do you want to hang out today? We are going to a party!" My friend, Mizuto, exclaimed, as he places his arms around my shoulder. His friends (which were also my friends) surrounded us.

"Heh... As much as I want to I can't come man, today is my mother's birthday, I gotta go home and celebrate," I lied, not wanting him to obstruct my fun.

"Aw man, that's such a pity. Okay then, see ya tomorrow!" Mizuto said, rather disappointingly.


"Don't forget to help us tell your mom happy birthday!" My other friend, Yoshiro, hollered as they disappeared

I chuckled.

I walked back to my parent's house. I can finally implement my plan into action. Heh I'm going to enjoy this. I smirked, as I picked up the house phone to call the police.

"Yes hello police? What can I do for you?" A voice asked on the other line.

"Y-yes hello, my parents are missing! They left home about a few weeks ago and they never returned home at all! I don't know where they went, they didn't tell me. They never left a note, nothing! What should I do?" I asked worriedly, tears forming in my eyes. But I was smiling.

"Alright alright young man, what's your address? We will send some police to check," The voice on the other line said.

And with that, I gave them my address and the voice assured me that police are on the way to investigate this. I thanked the police and hung up the phone. I started laughing. Finally, some action I have been longing for days. I checked the house, making sure that there isn't anything that will link my parent's disappearance to me.

Minutes later, there was a knock on the door. I composed myself before opening the door.

"Hello, police," the policeman said, showing his police ID to me.

"H-hello, please come in," I stuttered, allowing the 2 policemen to enter.

I went to the kitchen and poured 3 cups of tea for us. Nope y'all I did not spike the drinks with poison. I mean, why would I even spike the drinks. It will just ruin my fun. I need them for the maximised fun. I want to see the whole police force go down in vain, with no leads. That's where it is the most fun. So no, you guessed wrongly, I did not spike their drinks.

I gave them the cups of tea, and they thanked me politely.

"So, we are Hosaka and Wataru. What is your name?" Hosaka introduced.

"I am Yuuto. I'm a student studying in university. My parents are missing! Please help me find them!" I cried, tears falling down my cheeks.

"We will. First of all, tell us what happened," Wataru inquired.

"The last time I saw them was this Saturday night. I didn't know where they went, because they didn't tell me where they went. That's normal because usually I would be busy and they don't want to disturb me. But what was weird is that they didn't bring their valuables with them. They left their wallet and phone at home. I thought they would be back soon. But they didn't appear until now, which was weird," I said, burying my face into my palms and started crying. However, my inner self laughed. My Oscar-award acting definitely got to them, as they were looking at me reassuringly and told me, "Don't worry kid, we will find your parents,"

"I'm not a kid anymore, I'm 20 years old. Thanks for calling me young though," I managed to crack a joke and smile between tears, and that made them laugh too.

They checked the area and surveillance camera for any possible leads.

I know what you are thinking again. Well you are so stupid to carry two big fat-ass luggage around, police would surely catch your face and they will find tou suspicious and fishy soon enough, and you will be arrested and all. Nope. Wrong, wrong, WRONG! I lived here for 10 years. I know exactly where all the surveillance cameras are. I know close to every single available route by heart. I know which route to my shed has completely no surveillance camera and I basically know every route to different places while avoiding surveillance cameras by knowing the blindspots, or just avoiding it. (author note: yes this is plot armour for him because he can't be caught yet HAHAHA anyways hope you are enjoying the story so far).

I was pretty confident they would not find any leads, because I do not have any relatives anymore.

I smirked. This is fun. They will never find my parents, unless I confess. 

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