Chapter 6: Helping the Hunted

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Here, new chapter, enjoy :)

Time skip a day (because I have no idea what to write)

I was scrolling through social media. I was getting impatient. I cannot find the perfect prey to hunt. No one fits under the categories.

"Urgh" I groaned, refreshing the social media page.

"What's wrong? Can't find a pretty girl to hit on?" I heard a familiar voice sounding behind me, followed by someone holding my shoulders, scaring me a little.

"Mizuto, don't scare me like this! And no, I am not finding a girl to hit on," I laughed, slightly pushing him away.

"Aww come on show me the girl you are hitting on!" He lunged forward, trying to steal my phone. I laughed

"I'm not hitting on anyone," I laughed as I pushed him away. "Oh by the way," I continued. "Wanna hang out tonight?"

"Would glad to, but my girl got me first," Mizuto said, shrugging his shoulders.

"That's too sad, I'll find someone else then," I smiled, walking away.

I looked at my phone. My eyes widened. Have I... just found a prey? I looked at my phone. It was a post of her with her daughter. I clicked into the account. Apparently she is a single mother, whose husband ran away after their daughter was born. I scrolled through her posts. I came across a post. I clicked on it. It was a news report, featuring her and her daughter. The reporters were interviewing her. I watched and watched, and one question that the reporter asked caught my attention.

"Did you ever think of remarrying?" The reporter asked

"No, I never thought of remarrying, I never wanted to remarry. I am happy with my daughter. Everything I do, be it working hard or being happy, was all for my daughter. I wanted her to be happy. I never did any one night stands just to make myself satisfied or happy. Men have asked me before. But I just turned them down, as I would think to myself, what would my daughter think of me if I ever did those? My daughter's my everything. I don't want her to think badly of me," She explained.

I smirked. Okay, you will be the first to be judged. Finally! Some actual fun after so many boring days. I gotta monitor her movements for a few days before striking. I saved her post, before turning off my phone.

"Yo Yoshiro, wanna have dinner and crash at your place tonight?" I yelled at Yoshiro, chasing him and he turned around.

"Oh hello Yuuto, sure, I'm free tonight. What time do you wanna meet? And where?" Yoshiro asked.

"Hmm, how about 7pm at the new mall MacDonald's?" I replied, and he nodded his head.

"Sure, see you later then!" He waved goodbye as he walked to his next class.

I am excited. I have a new prey to hunt.

Time skip to 7pm

I strolled to the mall, looking at her social media account. It was a long day in school. I was tired. Upon reaching the mall, I saw Yoshiro. I decided to play a prank and scare him. I walked from behind, making sure not to make any sound to alert him.

Just as I was a meter behind him, he said, "Yuuto, I know you are behind me," He turned around.

"How the heck do you know? I can never scare you!" I asked, surprised.

"A man can never expose most of his secrets," He said, before high-fiving me.

"Let's go, let's eat! I'm starving," Just as I said that, my stomach growled.

"I can see that..." Yoshiro and I laughed.

Time skip to after dinner

"So, what do you wanna play later at my house?" Yoshiro and I were walking to his house, and were talking about anything.

"Anything! I mean you're rich! You basically have any available video games!" I exaggerated, and he laughed.

As we continued chatting, I heard a distant cry of "help!". Yoshiro and I looked at each other.

"Did you hear that?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Help!" The scream got louder.

"We gotta help her!" Yoshiro and I said together at the same time, as we followed the trace of the cry.

"There!" Yoshiro pointed at a dark alley, and I turned around. I saw it. A woman is being robbed by a thief.

"Let's help her!" I whispered as Yoshiro and I ran towards them.

"STOP!" Yoshiro yelled, startling the thief. Watching us running towards him, the thief looked rather scared, but he tried to land a punch on me. I dodged the punch and punched him back. He winced in pain, but he continued to hit me. I dodged them all, before punching him a few more times. Calm down, you do not want to blow your cover, you can't blow your cover. I thought to myself, calming myself down. Tch, what a pain. I really wanted to kill. I pulled back my punches, but painful enough for him to hurt.

"Don't. Rob. Anyone. Else," I said, before punching him again. He stood up and fled from the scene.

"Thank you! Thank you! Oh my goodness thank you both! I can't express how thankful I am! All these money I can't lose it! It was my salary, for my daughter!" The woman thanked us profusely. I looked at the woman. Wait, she looks familiar. Oh! She's the one that I saw on that social media earlier on! I smiled internally.

"No worries, miss. Do you want us to walk you back home? It's getting a little dark here and a beautiful woman like you, who knows you might get robbed again..." I inquired, as Yoshiro nudged my arm playfully.

"No, no it's okay! I can handle this myself!" The woman rejected us.

"Nahh that's not how it works, we gotta help you, look at those grocery bags, we definitely gotta help!" Yoshiro proclaimed, as he moved and grabbed the grocery bags.

"If you insist... thank you then!" She gave in.

Yoshiro handed me some of the grocery bags as we walked with her, introducing ourselves.

"My name is Akane, thank you so much for helping me today!" Akane bowed her head 45°.

When we reached her house, she invited us to go in but we declined, stating that we wanted to play video games.

"Teenagers nowadays... Haha, study hard too!" She laughed, before waving goodbye to us. We laughed and waved goodbye too.

So, this is where she lives. I thought to myself as Yoshiro was rambling on about other stuff.

Time skip to after leaving Yoshiro's house, and going back to my shed

I rushed into my shed, excited and happy I had finally found a prey. I slammed open my notebook. I wrote:

November 10 (author note: yes he did update jus the time skips)

I have finally found a prey! The one without lust! Her name is Akane. I came across her on social media, and I saved her from a robber. She was about to lose her money. Oh well, still better than her losing her life right? She's the first one that I am going to judge. She is a single mom who raised her daughter herself, she never gave in to any temptation for lust and lives for her daughter. What a perfect prey for hunting! I am going to observe her movements for a few days, before striking one day at night. I'm happy, I'm excited, I'm thrilled. I've been thinking for countless nights on how I am going to position them after killing them. I guess I can finally put my plan into action! Things are getting interesting!

And about the police, they still haven't found my parents yet. I wonder why? They're labelled as missing and up till now they do not have any leads or witnesses. This is so fun, watching the police fail.

I closed my notebook and jumped to bed. 

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