Chapter 3: Becoming the New Him, the New Me

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Chapter 3

Once again, no offense to any Christians okay? It's just a story, a fictional story >.<

Hope everyone is enjoying the story so far :D

Upon reaching school, I saw many police cars outside my school. Right... they would definitely be here. Crap, I gotta put on a "mask", I can't have my head hanging high. The students and teachers will notice something wrong. Two of the "model" students were murdered and the next day Yuuto (my name) is having his head high. They would definitely suspect something. This is getting interestingly annoying. I slowly held my head down. I wore the "mask" of pity, as I always had been. I walked into school.

When I walked into school, I saw a queue. A queue where one has to be in to take statements before going to class. I joined the queue.

Upon reaching my turn, the police asked me about my relationship with Sasaki and Kaito, and where I was yesterday night. The Satan in me smirked.

They were my bullies. I was at the park last night plunging a rock into their skulls.

I looked at them worriedly.

"Wh-what happened to them?" I questioned, fully aware of the answer but deciding to play along. This is interesting. Heh.

"They were murdered last night. We could not find any evidence. That's why we are taking statements from places he went to or from people that know him." the policeman answered, sounding rather frustrated.

Tears formed in my eyes. "Oh-oh no... That's bad... They were my friends in school. Rather nice friends. They would always help me out during class... Yesterday night I was at home doing my homework, and at around 12am I went to sleep already." I whispered, loud enough for the policeman to hear. I buried my face into my palms. "Pl-please catch the killer, they don't deserve that. They were one of the nicest people I knew," Yea right, they were definitely the nicest people, so nice until they started bullying me. They deserve everything they did. Hope the rot in hell, or maybe even hell did not accept them. I looked at the police officer. He smiled and nodded, before letting me off for class. I walked. My acting definitely deserved an Oscar award. I rubbed my tears off my face. "So annoying," I mumbled.

After school, when I was walking back home, I came across the church again. Right, I need to visit you. I smirked as I walked into the church. There was someone in there. What an unlucky him. I walked deeper into the church, towards him, before lunging towards him and stabbing him repeatedly with my knife I had in my bag. After making sure he is dead, I licked the blood on the knife. Tasty. I looked at up and I saw a statue. His statue. The statue of him being hanged on the cross. I looked at him. I smirked. I raised both my hands to form the cross, mocking him.

"How do I look? Where were you when I needed help. I prayed to you, I begged, hoping that you would help me, well where the fuck were you? You ignored my prayers. And you call yourself a deity? What a joke. From this moment on, that job will be mine. I will judge all the fools who believe in your nonsense. I will kill them all. They are all sinners." I smirked, glaring at the statue.

Ahhh how long since I had felt like that? I have become a deity. I feel strong. Never felt better. My lips curled upwards. I kicked that lifeless body before strolling out of the church.

Upon reaching home, I heard the familiar roaring. "Where were you yesterday?" he roared, making me flinch a little.

I walked to the living room. I saw him, sitting on the couch, holding his belt.

"Where were you?" he said, raising his voice a little. I was not scared of him anymore. I am strong.

"You don't need to know," I replied, earning a glare from him.

"I asked you a question, and you answer the bloody-" before he could speak finish I interrupted, "Why must I answer your damn question? It isn't any of your business anyway"

"You dare-"

"Yes I dare"

He stood up and walked towards me. I looked at him. He's dead to me. He's a sinner. His sentence is death. I smiled. He stood in front of me. He raised his hand. Before he could hit me I grabbed his belt and stabbed him in the stomach. He gasped. I took the knife out and stabbed again, plunging the knife deeper into his guts. His mouth hung agape. I continued to stab him continuously. My mouth slowly curled into a smile as he kneeled. I kneeled beside him and whispered into his ear, "You will pay for this," before laughing and placing the knife at his throat and slicing his throat. Blood splattered everywhere. His blood was also on my face. He fell to the ground.

"WHAT'S HAPPENING HERE?" she hollered, as I heard footsteps coming down from the stairs.

"Hehe, I killed him, see?" I muttered, as her face became pale like a ghost upon seeing his corpse.

"You... you... monster!" she screamed, before trying to run up to her room

"DON'T YOU DARE RUN AWAY" I yelled, making her freeze on the spot.

"Come down and sit on the couch, or you will suffer the same fate as him" I spoke calmly. She, shocked at my sudden change in tone, had no choice but to comply to my demand. She came down and sat on the couch.

I turned to the kitchen and poured some tea for myself. "You know," I began to speak "You never loved me. Both of you never loved me. Always treated me like a dirt, like an animal. Tortured me, harmed me every chance you get. You remember the murder of Sasaki and Kaito reported on the news?"

She nodded.

"I killed them too. They always bullied me. I remember telling you about them. But what was that thing you and him always say? WHAT WAS IT?" I screamed, making her jump.

"S-s-suck it up o-or fight them b-back," she stuttered.

I smiled. "That's right. And I did! I killed them. They got what they deserved. Same goes for him" I intentionally emphasised on "him". "So in school I'm bullied by them. And at home I'm abused by the both of you. Look I am standing up for myself! I hope you feel proud. But yet once again, you tortured me, you never loved me. Not. One. Bit. And that makes you a sinner. And the sentence is death," with that, I took a last sip of tea, before flinging it aside and lunging at her, stabbing her in the throat. She screamed but no words came out of her mouth. She gasped for air and her hands clung onto her throat. Seconds later, her hands lost grip of her throat and she lay there motionless. I licked the knife full of blood, and then my lips. Yummy. I sat down on the couch, next to her, and rested for a few minutes. 

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