Chapter 18 (!)

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Chapter 18 (!)

*Author P.O.V*

"Daddy, I think we should have a baby." Harry said which made Niall's eyes snap back open before going wide.

"How long have you been thinking about that?" Niall asked clearing his throat as he sat up which made Harry sit up and straddle his lap.

"I just now thought about it seeing Gemma pregnant made me want a baby of our own just think about it daddy. Waking up just to go change our little girl or boy and feed them seeing them grow up and get a boyfriend or girlfriend and go to prom. Then them heading off to college then getting married then having a baby of their own it would be so cute. I want a baby daddy we have to have one I think we are ready for that I know we got enough room and money. We can have your sperm put into a lady who would volunteer or we can just adopt." Harry said cupping Niall's cheeks who still looked like he got hit in the nuts.

"Guys, dinner is ready downstairs come and eat." Gemma said as she lightly knocked on the door Harry went back over to the closet putting on sweatpants and a tank top.

Niall got off the bed scratching the top of his head as he walked out of the room with Harry who still had a limp to his step. Once they made it to the dining room Harry was pulled into a hug by his mother who kissed his face repeatedly. She let him go before doing the same to Niall as Harry was then hugged by his dad who ruffled his hair. They all sat down to eat chatting it up as soon as their bums hit the seats Niall was still quiet though. Harry was quiet as well the thought of his grandmother floating back in his head which made him quietly whimper and tears come to his eyes. Niall noticed and sat his hand on Harry's thigh rubbing it softly before patting it.

Once dinner was over Harry limped to the room wiping his eyes with a sniffle he just wanted to forget so badly. Harry laid on his stomach after he taken his clothes offs and shutting the door. Niall came in the room after he had help wash the dishes and clean the table off he closed the door again and took off his clothes. He kept his boxers on before getting on the bed rolling Harry onto his side then pulled Harry's back to his chest. Niall made sure his arm was tightly wrapped around Harry's waist who let out a whimper before turning over so he was facing Niall.

"Daddy, can you please make me forget?" Harry asked as Niall wiped away his tears before kissing his nose.

"Are you sure?" Niall asked and Harry nodded Niall slipped under the duvets as Harry closed his eyes.

Niall slowly spread Harry's legs apart and put both of them on his shoulder before he started to kiss Harry's thighs. Harry gasped as he felt Niall kiss his hole before he started to lick at it slowly which made Harry take in deep breaths. Harry fisted the pillow he was laying on as Niall's tongue entered him slowly Harry arched his back biting his bottom lip to stop himself from moaning loudly. Niall rubbed gentle circles into Harry's hips as he pulled his tongue out and started to nip and kiss at Harry's rim. Harry was glad that he asked for this because it took his mind off of his grandmother even if it was only a few minutes. He couldn't hold it back anymore as he let moans slip out of his mouth along with a few groans.

"Daddy." Harry breathed out as he came all over his stomach Niall licked it off before kissing Harry and falling asleep beside him.

*Next Day*

Harry and Niall shot up from their sleep hearing a loud scream they quickly got dressed before leaving the room. They saw Gemma's door was wide opened they went in to see Austin,Gemma's boyfriend, grabbing Gemma's hospital bag. Niall quickly went over to Gemma picking her up as Harry went to go wake his parents feeling really excited but nervous. Niall walked out the room and took Gemma down to his car sitting her in the back and soon Austin got in with her. Harry got in the passenger seat as his parents got in their car and they quickly drove to the hospital. Everyone trying to keep Gemma calm through the quick ride but it wasn't working.

Harry jumped every time Gemma would let out a scream he looked at the radio clock to see it was 7:27am which made him groan a bit. After a few minutes Niall pulled up in front of the hospital and took Gemma inside. Two nurses came with a wheelchair and took her away with Harry, Austin, Niall, and her parents following. Gemma didn't let Harry or Austin hand go when they laid her on the bed and got her ready to give birth. Niall stood behind Harry who was whispering encouraging things in his sister's ear with a smile on his face. Soon everyone was telling her encouraging things and that just boosted Harry's thoughts on having a baby.

*5 Hours Later*

"It took five hours just for this little cutie pie to be born." Harry said as he smiled at his niece who was chewing on her finger her green eyes looking up at Harry."I'm your uncle Harry."

"Niall, everyone else got to hold her do you want to hold her?" Gemma asked looking over at him he put his phone away after taking one last picture of Winter.

"I don't think that's a good idea." Niall said shaking his head as he took a step back.

"Just hold her I promise everything is going to be okay." Harry said as he picked up Winter who squirmed and whined a bit.

"How would you two like to be the god parents?" Gemma asked and Harry squealed loudly as he handed Winter to Niall before hugging his sister.

"We would love that." Harry said as Niall looked down at Winter who had grab his finger and squeezed it which made him smile.

"She's so light and small." Niall said looking her in the eyes making his heart melt at the cuteness.

"You would make a perfect father Niall." Gemma said which made Niall blush and look over at her.

"That was my exact thought." Harry said biting his bottom lip as Niall quickly glanced over at him blushing even more which made everyone coo.



I just want to clear something up about my stories so I won't hear people talk about this. Harry will never top in my stories Niall will always be the one topping. I don't care how much you beg or anything you will not change my mind I'm fucking tired of seeing stories where Harry tops. If you don't like it then you can kindly leave if Niall is the sweet one in a story and Harry is a bad ass Niall will top in the damn story that's all folks.

Bye my Demons. :)

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