Chapter 58

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Chapter 58

*Author's P.O.V*

"No, it's fine. It's the least that I can do for you since I could have easily done it." Niall says before putting a piece of gum in his mouth.

"Before I forget, Harry I got a extra ticket to a comedy show tonight if you would be interested." Lucas states, looking at Harry, who cheeks were puffy from stuffing an egg roll inside.

"He can't really speak. He lost his voice but I'm sure he would love to tag along." Niall responds without looking away from his laptop but Lucas can hear the smile when he said that.

Honestly, he isn't even the slightest bit surprised by that. The two were having sex for like an hour. Anyone who didn't lose their voice doing the things they just did isn't normal. Harry nods his head before going to Lucas' number. He texts him about when and where they should meet up. He then gets up from the couch. He walks over to his clothes and Lucas has to stop himself from verbally freaking out. His back looks as if he had gotten attacked. It is cover in scratches, bites, red and purple circles. If that was him, he would have been crying like a baby or refuse to do anything because of the pain. He turns his head away when Harry starts to get dress.

Harry hisses quietly when his clothes rub against his bruises a little too hard. He puts his hair in a bun then leaves the office. He makes his way to the bathroom with a very noticeable limp. The employees don't know what to make of that. They know it could be from anything. A very small percent of them thinks it is from sex since they heard him screaming and his neck showcase his bruises. He wants to stop and make small chat with everyone he sees but he knows it'll be difficult. He uses the bathroom then comes back to the office. He sits back down on the couch, letting out a puff of air. He sits his food in his lap then goes back to his movie. Niall leaves the room a few minutes after to go chat with some employees.

"Do you not want to sleep with me because I'm ugly?" Harry tries to ask, which makes Lucas cringe because he sounds like he's in pain.

"It's not because of that. It's just I don't want anything to potentially escalate." Lucas answers, watching Harry sit his things aside again.

"I promise that won't happen." Harry states, getting out off the couch then walks over to him.

"How can you be so sure of that?" Lucas questions, pausing his movements.

"I'm not but just trust me." Harry answers while shrugging his shoulders.

He stops in front of him then looks at his lips while biting his own. He can feel the nerves radiating off of him. That causes him to reach forward and take his hand into his. He squeezes it gently then gives him a small smile. He's never met anyone so nervous or scared to do something sexual with him. Most people are always trying to get with him and he turns them down. He isn't going to take things further since Lucas made himself pretty clear. He can feel him calm down, which makes him happy. He backs away from him and let's him get back to work. Niall walks back into the room just as he hits play.

"I told you Harry. You can't always get what you want." Niall says while sitting down in his chair.

"He'll come around someday." Harry states, coming over to sit on his daddy's lap.

"And why do you think that?" Niall asks, resting his hands on his baby boy's waist.

"Because I'm your special boy. People want to put the same marks you put on me because they know the noise I'm going to make from it. They also know that I please you just as much you do to me. Nobody can resist me. Not even you." Harry explains, poking his daddy's nose.

"You are very right about that." Niall replies then leans forward to kiss his baby boy's forehead."I gotta get back to work my love."

Harry smiles at him before getting off of him. He makes his way back to the couch then goes back to what he was doing. Lucas looks back and forth between the two. He can't believe that that just happen right in front of him. He knows that they had done worse by literally talking about having sex with him in front of his face. He can't believe that they are so comfortable with this. He wonders if they behave this way in front of other people. He would have never been able to do something like that if he was in a relationship. He nods at his boss to let him know that he is done with his tasks. Niall nods back at him then watches him as he leaves.

"Mr.Horan you wanted to see me." Chelsea states as she comes in the room after looking at her watch.

"Yes. I just wanted to tell you that you have been with me for a long time and your work ethic has always been one hundred or more. With that being said, I am promoting you." Niall explains, causing the female to drop her mouth open in shock.

"I really can't believe this. Thank you so much for this. I promise I won't let you down." She responds, rushing over to him to give him a tight hug.

Harry smiles at her, feeling so excited for her. His smile slowly starts to fade when he sees her resting her face in his daddy's neck for a few seconds. No normal employee would do that. They would either give a handshake or a quick hug. Just as he thinks that, he notices that the hug lasts a little bit too long. Everyone in this office building knows that his daddy and him are married so anyone trying to come between them must be dumb in his mind. He gets up from the couch then struts his way over to them. He is very ready to put this woman in her place. Niall takes notice of the determined and jealous look on his face and smirks to himself. Chelsea pulls away from the hug while biting her bottom lip.

"It's completely my pleasure in doing this. You deserve this since you are my best employee." Niall says, resting a hand on her shoulder.

"If there's anything that I can do for you, just let me know. You know I would love to." She says, looking him up and down before leaving the room.

"Depromote her right now daddy." Harry demands while glaring at the door with his arms cross over his chest.

"Why? She didn't do anything wrong." Niall replies, pretending to be confused as he sits down.

"She was flirting with you. You can tell by what she said. She even bit her lip and put her face in your neck as if you were hers. You are all mine and nobody else." Harry responds as he looks at his daddy with his face softening.

"Oh come on love. She was just happy that she was promoted. Cut her some slack. I'm sure you would have done the same thing." Niall explains, trying to stop himself from laughing.

"Ok but if it happens again with her or anyone else here then I won't hesitate to mark your skin so they can see and walk around showing your marks on me. I'll even say it through the intercom that we are together forever and happily." Harry says, standing next to his daddy.

"You have nothing to worry about. No one can ever catch my attention. Like you said, I can't resist you." Niall replies as he pulls his baby boy onto his lap then resting his face in his neck."I love you."

"I love you too daddy." Harry responds, wrapping his arms around his neck and they stay like that for quite a while.



Any ideas because ya boy running very dry on some that's why this took some time. Thoughts??? Predictions???


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