Chapter 59

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Chapter 59

*Author's P.O.V*

"Are you into age play too?" Lucas asks when they walk into the comedy club.

"No why?" Harry questions as they walk over to a table that's pretty close to the stage.

"Well you have tendencies that relate towards a child and you kind of talk just a little bit high pitch. I don't mean any of that in a negative way." Lucas answers while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh that usually happens when I'm really happy and since I'm happy all the time I come off as a child but I assure you that I'm very mature and aware of things." Harry explains before taking a sip of his drink.

"I promise I don't mean to be a prick but did you really have to bring that here?" Lucas questions as he nods his head to the bottle of cum.

"Well I mean it is free so why not. You wanna try some of it? I promise it tastes great." Harry says, holding the bottle in front of his lips.

"No that's between you and your husband." Luca replies just as the lights dim in the building and a female walks onto the stage.

Niall types away on his computer with a sigh. The screen irritates his eyes and the keyboard cramps up his fingers. A yawn leaves his mouth as he finishes up a very long email. Once he's done, he closes his computer then starts to put away files. He looks at the time and instantly feels tired when he sees that it is eleven at night. A knock on his door makes him shout for the person to come in. He wonders why Lucas didn't tell him he had a visitor but then he remembered that he's gone and that he is the only one in the building. A look of confusion comes up on his face when he sees Ellie. He doesn't remember ever telling her where he works. That doesn't stop him from getting out of his seat and hugging her. After they pull away, he sits on his desk and crosses his arms over his chest.

"Aww I was really hoping my little baby Harry was going to be here too." Ellie says as and that gets him to laugh."That's not to say you aren't great or I wasn't looking forward in seeing you."

"I'm not offended in any way so don't worry but he is out with a friend for the night." Niall informs before letting out a long and loud yawn.

"Have you and Harry visited the lounge recently?" She questions both of them not hearing the elevator ding open.

"No not really. Is there a problem?" Niall states, getting ready to pull out his phone and call his baby boy.

"No it's just you guys are always being discussed in that place and I thought they may have saw you guys in action. You guys sure know how to sexually arouse people." She answers with a laugh.

"We'll try to dial it down. Not to offend you in anyway but how did you know where I work?" Niall asks as she heads to the door.

"Your cutie pie named Harry and it never hurts to Google people for your own safety or just in case some shit hits the fan." She responds with a shrug.

"Well thanks for stopping by. We should hang out sometime." Niall says and she nods.

As she opens the door, she is hit in the face. The punch knocks her out and sends her to the floor quickly. Niall is fully alert now as his hands form fists. Two people, whose face are covered with a ski mask, enter his office and he can see that one of them is a female. She closes the door and locks it before dragging Ellie over to the couch then placing her on it. The male, meanwhile, makes his way to the blonde. He is quick as he gets Niall bent over the desk with his hands tied behind his back. The female comes over and leans her face a few inches away from his. He moves away from her as she runs the back of her index finger on his cheek. He wants to be as calm as he can be so he doesn't end up losing his life. He really is gonna invest in a gun and higher security now.

"Is it money you want?" Niall asks as he looks her in the eyes."Just name your price and it's yours without hesitation."

"No no no. That's not how this is gonna work. We just want an experience with you and your sweet green eyed sub." She informs before he feels a hand grab his crotch that he knows doesn't belong to her.

"We've got people watching the both of you so if you even think about going to anyone for help then consider your sub our pet forever." The male explains, turning him over roughly.

"I'll go along with whatever it is you guys want but just leave him alone." Niall replies before his phone starts to ring.

"Ok then." The female says, grabbing his phone then answering the call and making sure to put it on speaker.

"Daddy this couple says that they know you and that you said that I can play with them." Harry explains, which makes Niall's eyes grow wide."Are they telling me the truth?"

"Say yes or this will be your very last time talking to him." The male whispers, making the blonde realize that they don't have weapons on them.

"Remember I told you to call me Niall. You can play with them though." Niall replies, hoping his baby boy got his hidden message as the couple end the call.

"Now let's turn this dom into a sub for a little while." The female says before kissing her boyfriend deeply.

"You guys could have just asked us and we would have agreed to doing this." Niall states, looking away from them in disgust.

"But where would the fun be in that blondie?" She asks while putting on a fake pout.

"Now you don't say anything until one of us tells you to." The male says as he pulls a generic collar out his pocket and puts it around his neck.

Harry puts his phone away while making sure a smile remains on his face. He knows that his daddy doesn't know them. The moment his daddy told him to call him by his real name is when he knows he's in a situation that he can't speak how he wants or that whoever is around isn't meant to be around. He also knows that his daddy would have been told him about them.  Like he said before, he's very aware of things around him. Don't ever mistake his happiness and kindness for stupidity. The couple look at him with excitement shining in their eyes. That disappears when they see the green eye male make his way back over to Lucas. They figure that he must be playing hard to get or he completely forgot the plan. Either way they are going to remind him.




Thoughts??? Predictions???


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