Chapter 57

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Chapter 57

*Author's P.O.V*

Lucas is typing away quickly on the computer when he hears a loud smack, which is follow by a cry. There is only one possible place it can come from. His eyes slowly travel to his boss's door just as another smack and cry is heard. His mind goes to one thing that can be happening to Harry right now. He hears thirty eight more of those smacks and each time he hears his friend cry out. He doesn't hear his boss at all, which makes him just a little bit curious. The noise doesn't attract his coworkers, making him grateful since he won't have to explain to them what is going on. He knows that he would do a terrible job at it. He kind of gets the feeling that everyone else doesn't know what type of relationship his boss has. They might think that they are just a happy young married couple. If only they knew what goes on behind closed doors literally and figuratively.

"Daddy! Stop please! I can't! I've been bad! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Ah!" He hears the curly hair male screams out while hearing loud bangs against the desk.

He feels concern for his friend but at the same time he doesn't because he knows their lifestyle. He can only imagine what goes on between them at their home. It is probably worse than what he hears now. He could see why that Liam guy completely fell in love with his boss. They were close friends and he was probably exposed to a lot more sexual stuff that was going on between Niall and Harry. He starts to wonder if they had a threesome, which might have added on to him falling deeply in love and trying to ruin their relationship. He's not going to bring that up so he gets rid of the thought. He goes back to doing his work while trying not to imagine what could be going on behind those lock doors. He gulps as he sees his coworkers come out of a meeting room and walk to his desk.

"Ahhh! It's yours! Yes! Yes! Yes! I can't hold off much longer! Please let me!" He hears, which causes him to start playing some music to try and drown him out.

"Holy hell what is going on in there?" A coworker questions with a few others standing behind her.

"Harry got a role in a action movie so they are practicing while the boss has free time." Lucas lies with a smile on his face, which his other coworkers believe.

"Oh god! Ah! Ah! Please! I won't do it again! I learned my lesson! Ahhhhhh! Lucas makes sure that his smile doesn't change as his coworkers look at him before heading back to work.

His smile instantly drops and he starts to wish that he had earplugs. His coworkers are lucky because their desks are further away so they don't hear what he hears as loud. He isn't annoyed or hates the noise. Not at all. It's just that he regrets turning down the offer. That could have been him in that office screaming his head off and having the best orgasm of his life. He may also have a slight boner from the noise but he isn't going to do anything about it though. He doesn't like to masturbate so that was out of the question. He can't take a cold shower either so he's just stuck. He'll just have to suffer in silence. With that in mind, he goes back to his typing.

The noise goes on for about two hours. He hears a mix between a scream and a cry before it goes quiet. He then gets a text message from his boss. He takes out his phone then reads the message. The message asks for him to go retrieve some Chinese takeout. He gets out of his seat then gets on the elevator. He comes back ten minutes later and makes his way to the door. He takes a deep breath before opening the door. His eyes grow wide at how destroy the office is. Niall, who is completely shirtless, nods his head for him to give the food to Harry, who is laying on the couch wrap in a blanket. Strands of Harry's hair is sticking to his head while also sticking out in different directions. His cheeks are a bright red while his neck is a dark red with the blonde's fingerprints. If he looks hard enough, he can see a slight handprint on his cheeks. He hands the food to his friend, who just smiles at him as a thank you.

"If you could clean up my office, I would greatly appreciate it." Niall explains while buttoning his shirt back up.

Lucas looks over at him as he nods his head. Once the blonde turns around to get his tie, he notices the blood that is soaking the back of his shirt. That tells him that his friend must have scratch the hell out of his back. At that thought, he looks back at his friend then at his nails. His theory is proven right since he sees blood in between his nails. Harry sits up a bit with his blanket falling off his chest. This action causes the many hickies and bite marks on his chest and arms to be shown. He doesn't make an effort to cover his chest back up. All he wants to do is eat and relax because he is exhausted right now. He does just that as he starts to eat and watch Netflix on his daddy's phone. Lucas can only imagine the bruises that's on the green eye male lower body. He turns and makes his way to his boss' desk.

The first thing he notices is the scratch marks that are covering the desk. He highly doubts that those came from his boss. He bends down near the desk and starts to pick up the scattered paper. He separates them before picking up the folder they all belong to then putting them inside. He walks around the desk then starts to put them in the correct cabinet. The blonde picks his laptop up from the floor then places it on his desk. He sits in his chair and starts to work again. The smell of sex is still on him and is mixing with his cologne. Lucas can smell it since he is so close to him, which causes him to close his eyes for a few seconds. That is such a nice smell. He snaps out of his daze then goes to pick up some sticky notes. He places them back where they belong then moves on to the fake plant on the floor. As he is about to stand up, his eyes lock on to the little bit of cum that is on the side of the desk.

"I'll be sure to add a bonus to your check for this." Niall says while looking over at the shorter male, who cheeks are flaming red.

"You honestly don't have to. I mean this is apart of the job after all." Lucas replies, taking out a napkin from his pocket and wiping the substance away.



So Wattpad deleted Cum For Me because it had too much graphic stuff in there so now I have to be careful with this story before they do it to this. Thoughts??? Predictions???


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