Part 1

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You are collage student and the most popular in your school. You aren't that girl like skirts, make up and dresses but you are girl like sport, hoodies, night walks alone and skateboarding. Most of students and teachers know you as basketball star of school or genius in math

No one actually knows your private life. Everyone knows you just in school

Your pov
It's lunch break and i am going with my teammate and best friend Jake to cafeteria.
"So it was last minute and i was running with ball and-- HEY watch where you are going!" Jake says

"Hey Jake calm down it's not a big deal you aren't dead" i say to him

I look back at the person who bumped into him but i see just a red hair in a crowd of people.
Is that ?...maybe

It's first lesson of day. You are sitting at you place and drawing something in your notebook and don't pay attention. Just then door opens and teacher walks in with some girl behind. With corner of my eye i see that red hair. Her hair caught my attention and i look at her

"Hello class, this is Sadie your new classmate please be kind to her." teacher says and points at me "That girl is Y/n she will be your new friend, go sit with her, she will show you school later, right y/n?" I am not paying attention to him so i just smile like i agree with anything he just said

"Hi i am Sadie" she says with the most beautiful smile i have ever seen

"Uh..yeah,.. hi i am y/n"

'GOD DAMN IT Y/N WHAT WAS THAT!?! GREAT NOW SHE THINKS THAT YOU ARE THE MOST STUPID PERSON EVER'. She doesn't say anything just chuckles and looks at teacher.

*end of flashback*

"....hey HEY are you even listening me?" Jake says and of course i don't, i am paying attention to my thoughts like always "sorry what ?"

"Like i am surprised, typical y/n who doesn't listen to me..great.
I was telling you about that match"

"Yeah yeah right, of course"
I just wave at him and go to the bathroom.
"I will find you later!"
"Yeah right, like always" (poor Jake)

After school you go to basketball training which usually come to watch lots of people. You find it weird, like why would you come to watch training of your classmates. But then you spot her. You see that red hair which caught your attention in class and in the hall before. You look at her face but she is too far from you so you stop to focus on her but then someone bump into you and you fall...

You hear some voices around you, maybe Jake maybe coach you don't know and then everything goes black...just nothing

When you wake up you can only focus on ringing sound in you ears and then on pain on your head. You try to sit up but someone pushes you back. "Hey hey easy you got really hard hit." it is Jake. He is only one in nurse room with you

"You were out for an hour. You really scared everyone"

"Hey Jake i am fine and i can go home". And you really go because Jake knows that there is no point to argue with you about anything because you never change your opinion so he lets you go

But way home she catches you "Hey y/n!"  you turn around and see Sadie running towards you

"Oh hi Sadie, do you need something ?" you ask her

"uh..just want to make sure that you are okay" you suddently feel your checks turning red but you don't know why maybe because she cares about you

"Um yeah i am fine it wasn't that bad" you say

"I am glad that you are alright. Oh yeah and are you going to school tomorrow ? we have that project together so i just want to ask" 


"yeah yeah that project...umm we have a month for it so what if i give you my number and we will talk about it later? i have free house on weekend so you can come to mine" 

"yeah that will be great" she gives you her phone and you put your number in it

"Okay here. So see you in school" 

"yeah see you. have a good night y/n" 

"you too Sadie.." you turn around and continued in your walk home 


I hope you enjoyed this FIRST part!! Thank you so much for support and reading.

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