Part 6

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You are sitting on your bed and scrolling through your phone when you get message

Hi Y/n!!
I'm at the gym now
Do you want to come?

Sorry, i can't.
My parents are already home
And i need to do some stuff

That's a shame
But it's okay

You sigh and look at the clock. it's 18:23 and you decide to text Sadie.

Hi Sadie,
I am really sorry for today.
My parents or actually my dad
Is really strict about my relationships with people and if he sees you here it wouldn't be good.

It's okay i understand
But i really enjoyed time with you.
See you in school

You sigh again and close your eyes. You really want to be controlled by your dad? Of course not.

You get up and decide that you will gonna do whatever you want. Why is your dad talking into your life anyways. And why you are so afraid of him you aren't a child

You take your hidden shoes and put it on. You take your grey hoodie from closet and your sport bag with your stuff. You go to the window and throw the bag out and then you jump off

When you make it to the gym you go to changing room so no one can see you. You take off your hoodie and under it you have your sport white t-shirt with your name and number on back. T-shirt is oversize which you love especially for sport. You take your shorts too and then your sport shoes

When you are changed you go to the gym and no one has spotted you yet so you take it as a great opportunity and run towards Jake and steal ball from him and run off

"Hey!! You little. Come here!" Jake shouts at you and runs after you

You laugh at him

"Try catch me" you tease him

Jake is still chasing you but you are faster than him so he gives up after a few minutes. You give him a ball back

"What are you doing here? Aren't your parents home?" He says still catching his breath

"Let's just say that i am done trying to run away. I will stand up for me and mom in front of dad." You say

"Okay but if you get into some trouble i am here for you" Jake tells you

"I know Jake....BUT NOW we are going to play against each other so be ready for me, i will destroy you" You say and take a ball from him again

You make two teams and play. Of course your team won but it was a close one

After a game it's around 21 hour so you decide to go home. You say your goodbye's to everyone and go home

When you get home you sneak up through your window which you left open a little when you went out. No one is waiting for you so you just take off your sport clothes and go to shower

After shower you go back to your room and notice notification on your phone. It's from Sadie

Hi Y/n

Hi Sadie
Did something happened?

No. Not at all
I just want to talk to you
And thank you for what
You did for me

You don't need to thank me
I am glad that you were here

Me too i really
enjoyed it with you

I am glad that you
Like our little trip

Yeah it was amazing
But aren't you in trouble
Because if me ?
i mean with your parents

Don't worry about it
It's fine

I am going to bed now
But thank you for talk

Yeah of course
Good night

Good night Y/n

Even though it was short conversation you really like talking or texting with her. It's like you can be yourself around her

I hope you don't have problems with your parents and i also hope that you like my story

Just Mine | Sadie Sink X Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now