Part 15

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When you arrive you park your car and get out from it. You are in front of the beautiful and massive house. David's family is rich so he has 'everything' but even through this all he is such a nice person

You are still not sure with this but you are already here so you go to the front door and open it

When you open it you are suprised with so many people already here but you don't mind. It's great atmosphere here. Everybody dancing, great lights color and of course great music. It's a little darker but it doesn't matter

When you go through the crowd of people you bumped into someone. It's David

"Hi" you say

"Oh hi Y/n. I didn't know that you'll really come. But i am glad that you are here." He says and hugs you

"I am glad too. It's really awesome here" you say and look around

"Thanks. Anyways enjoy the party. See you later." He says and leaves without your answer

When you are looking around your eyes fall on bar and some drinks on it so you go there

When you are sitting at the bar and playing with glass of your drink someone taps on your shoulder

"Hi Y/n. I am glad that you came" He says

"Jake?!" You say confused and don't know what to say

"Jake...i am so sorry. I don't know what was wrong with me but i really didn't want to hurt you. Believe me, please" you say to him

"Hey..we are here because of fun. And i am not mad at you, really. Let's have fun tonight Y/n/n." He says and takes your hand

You smile

"Hey what are you doing?" You say as you are dragged by Jake to the middle of the party

"Having fun!" He says and starts dancing weirdly

You laugh at him and join him

An hour passed

It's so much people here so you haven't seen Sadie here yet

"Jake?" You ask Jake who is sitting next to you at the bar

"Hmm?" He answers

"Is there Sadie?" You ask

" ...wait let me think. Hmm i think she is here for a good hour. Why do you ask?" He answers

You stay silent

"WAIT don't tell me you love her." He shouts

"JAKE!! Quiet" you try to calm him down

"Ooooo so you do. Hmm interesting. Should i help you with marriage?" He teases you

"Shut up Jake" you roll your eyes and hit his arm

And then you spot her. The most beautiful girl you ever met. Her shiny red hair. And her beautiful blue eyes. She is talking to someone and laughing. What would you give for see her smile and laugh like that with you again

It's already 23:52. You are standing on the balcony. You played many games but didn't drink so much your not 'that' type and most importantly you are successfully avoiding Sadie, until now

"Y/n?" voice says behind you

Your eyes widen and you freeze on spot for a bit but you don't make it that obvious and you turn around to face her

"H-hi Sadie" you say and chuckle nervously

"I am glad that you came but why we didn't see each other before?" She asks

"Uh well there's so many people and the house is massive so we were just passing by i guess" you answer

"Oh yeah, that's true" she says

It's quiet between you two for a while and you are just looking into her eyes but then she breaks the silent

"Uh Y/n...that other day before Christmas." She says but doesn't finish

You stay quiet and wait for her. You want her to takes her time

"I-...Thank you Y/n. For being there for me even i hurt you. When we didn't talk to each other last days i realize how much i miss you as a person. You were there for me when i needed you and i just pushed away like that-.." she says while looking deeply into your eyes

You put your hand on her cheek

"Don't say anything else Sadie. You didn't hurt me." You say and try to stop her from crying

"No Y/n i did. Don't lie to me. And like i said before. When you weren't there i really missed you. And not as a friend." As she says that it can be hear everyone around you




"I love you Y/n and i am sorry it takes me that long. You are amazing person" she says and get closer to you




As you are standing there pure shocked she pulls you by your collar closer and kisses you. There are so many emotions in it but mostly love. Pure love. It's magical, soft and slow. It's just... perfect. And in this moment you know how crazy in love you are. In love with Sadie Elizabeth Sink


I really hope that you liked it because to be honest i do. I am really proud of this chapter. And most likely, finally there's a KISS. and if i can i'll vote for this chaper milion times but I can't. so you can do it instead of me. VOTE for this story and take this story to other people. Thank youu :)
Have a nice day!!

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