Chapter 14

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Hayes' P.O.V.

The guys were questioning me about Barbara's younger sister Victoria. They kept asking me if I liked her, and telling me that she likes me.

"Hayes you so like her!" Johnson yelled.

"Shut up!" I yelled trying to pay attention to my game.

"You gotta ask her out she's not going to be single forever bro!" Nash added.

"Guys why do you think I like her?" I asked them pausing my game.

"We can just tell, there's something between you two." Matt said, looking at me. Every time I would try to ignore them they would mention Tori and I would listen to what they said about her. Pretty soon the girls came home from wherever they went off too. Barbara was talking to Tori and then she left once again. Lacey was with Jack G, Abby was with Dillon, and Veronica was with Brent. Tori was out on the patio, so I decided to join her.

"Hey." She said quickly.

"So where did y'all go?" I asked.

"We went and got Fro-yo.." She still haven't looked at me. Is she okay? Did I do something wrong? Should I leave?

"Is everything okay?" She finally looked at me, her blue eyes pouring into mine. But what really got me where her freckles. She mentioned before that she never liked them, but they make her look adorable.

"Well.. its kinda okay, I guess you could say.." She smiled slightly. "By the way you know they're in there waiting to see if you ask me out." She giggled a bit.

"How do you know that?" I was confused, why does she think that?

"Well one they are all staring at us, and two cause you guys aren't that quiet." We turned to see everyone looking at us.

"Well, Tori." I began.

"Hayes?" She questioned

"Would you like to go out sometime?" I asked.

"If you let me wear your snapback!" She smiled. I took it off my head and placed it on her long brown hair, she then hugged me. She was the perfect hugging height. We walked in and Nash and Barbara we next to each other smiling. Barbara then whispered something into Nash's ear causing him to look scared, then Barbara's smirks.

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