October 26 2022

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Ok so I'm not even gonna do an intro, imma just get straight to the point.

So there was this guy in my class last year and I considered him like a brother I never had. Until the last month of school in June.

I thought I started to like him and I was still new to the feeling but I got his snap and we became friends. After that we would talk but not super regularly.

Anyway, after I had graduated, I went back to my elementary school to get community hours and he was there too helping and what not. My friends told me to tell him and I said I might chicken out so they told him.

I never thought they would actually do that, but I was wrong. After that he ignored me for the entire summer and when I would try and start a convo he would either not text me back or quickly ended it.

After that I kind of avoided talking to him and was trying to focus on school and other bots but secretly he was always in the back of my mind.

I got to high school on the first day and didnt see him but I ran into him a couple if times and we said a 'hi' or waved and went on our way. But now.... oh boy.

I was talking to him while I was camping and he was saying he has a crush who us blonde. My friend was saying it was me but he had already said that he doesnt see me as more than a sister figure at best.

But I hang out with the girl he likes. Not often but I still do. And he likes HER. And she likes him back. But they wont say anything to each other. He even asked me to see if she liked him back. Anyway he asked me if I still liked him and I said no.

That was a big fucking lie. I really like this boy. I might even love him but he cant know that. He likes someone else and yes they might like each other but I've know this boy for at least 5 years and they've known each other for 8 weeks.

Every time I see that he texted me or snapped me o still get butterflies and I still get excited. AFTER 5 FUCKING MONTHS. BRO. I cant and he send me the cutest texts, like after I say "I.na go to bed" he replys with "ok have a good sleep" or something along those lines and it melts my heart but this biy wont consider even looking at me as more than a friend.

Anyway I will update this story if y'all want me to or if I need to rant again bc I lkke tgus way more than a diary. But it is currently almost 10 at night and I got back from and overnight trip so i am tired.

Gnn love uuuu


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