Same day^^:OMG

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YALL. I jus got to this place and OMFG ITS SO FUCKING GORGEOUS. Like I'm so happy that I travelled 7 hours with annoying ass people and I came here bc it's soooooo gorgeous.
Idk where imma sleep tho...... that might be a problem but that's a problem for another hour like idgaf rn. Like omfg.
But I need wifi as well.... I'll ask for the password later when the guy comes back. And my dumb ass mother told me where were staying for the weekend, it didn't have fucking wifi, but my cousin told me that I does and my uncle mentioned it having wifi so now imma bitch slap that dumb mother fucker for lying to me and being a cunt. Anyway, love y'all!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2023 ⏰

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