February 16 2023: WOAH

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It's been so long since I've used this app but a lot has happened. Well since then I've fought one of my sisters and I beat the shut outta her, I got a new phone, started kinda getting feelings for another guy(not really I just like his personality) and I got a new phone! That guy that I ranted about a lil bit ago well....
He literally blocked me and told me he didn't. Like I'm that he did but he will not talk to me bc I think he hates me, but I texted him a lil bit ago and talked to him for like 5 mins. That made my day.
But I still have the same feels for him. Like I told one of my friends I was like "love may be a strong word and you're gonna say if you don't have feelings for him he doesn't have a place anywhere and you don't talk to him, but I loved him. Like he taught me what love was how it felt and what it was like and I miss it and I miss him the way he smelled the way he made me feel.'' And just before that I slit my wrist for like the 8th time. Idk why I fucking tell my life to no one, bc no one reads this shit. Anyway love you guys!

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