November 28:ok bro

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K I dont know where to start.
Ig I've just been busy.

School is a bitch and so is my math teacher, and in finally boy free!!! YAYYYY!!

Anyway yall remember when I wrote about that boy right? Anyway I dont like him anymore!! I'm so happy!!

Like he will always have a small part of my heart but like, I've moved on. I'll still get butterflies in the hallway but I'm not in love with him.

The fact that I started to just like him a little bit in June and its spiraled to this is insane.

Like, this boy made me smile again, but just as fast as he made me smile again he took it back like bro. He will never read this but bro, if you do...

You broke my heart and shattered it time, and time again... so?....

Fuck you🖕🖕🖕

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