November 2 2022

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Ok am I the only one that has a mtg teacher that assigns a shut load of homework every fucking night, and when we dont finish it bc we had family shit we get yelled at? I hope I'm the only one tho.

Anyway I was talking to the guy today and we have hoco comming up and his ex told him I was gonna ask him to gi with me and he told me that she told him. Anyway she told him last friday and he known for awhile, but thatd not the point.

The point is I told him "If i had asked yo8 to go with me would you have gone?" And he said no but I dont care. I never said that I was gonna ask him. I told his ex that if they go then we should all go together my group her group and his group. I never once said I was going to ask him.

Anyway I need to buy my ticket bc they're only being sold this week but I dont think I'm gonna get money to buy a ticket and I need to buy a dress too. My mom hot me a dress but it's a boxed top and a weird fucking skirt.

Like she thinks it looks good but my boobs look weird, its itchy, it awkward, it makes me look fat. Like I'm not wearing a fucking dress I hate.

Anyway love you loves


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