Chapter - 1

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This is a new story idea i had...but it feels oddly like my other one...but no, i have different plans for it lol.

Tell me what you think and if its good so far. If it is i'll continue to write, if not i'll think of somthing else.

And btw....Muahahahaha! Sorry had to :P


Ever since I could remember I’ve never known who my parents were. Whenever I try I just get this image of total darkness but it’s strange because I do remember when I was 6, that was the time when I was taken into this organization however it’s the only thing I could remember.

I hear a loud slap on my desk and came back to reality. I looked up to see Mrs. Slade standing before me with arms crossed over her chest “Yes?” I asked looking up at her innocently.

“Ms. Wellington, care to explain why it is that you are always dozing off in my class?” she asked trying to coat her words with a calm tone but it wasn’t working so well.

“Mrs. Slade I must say that I was not ‘dozing’ off, I was simply staring into space so that you would come over here for I have a question and I see that it has worked.” I told her in a serious manner but all that was running through my head was that she’d believe it…I admit this was one of my stupid excuse.

I heard snickers throughout the classroom and saw Mrs. Slade turn around glaring at everyone then turned back to me.

“Enlighten me” she said sternly narrowing her eyes at me.

“I…wanted to know…” I started out saying and I could already imagine how dumb I must sound “If a shape shifter happens to get a hold of you and is about to morph how do you deal with the situation” I said letting it flow out of my mouth naturally.

Mrs. Slade smirked and walked back to the front “Your classmate Karen here asked a very good question so pay attention everyone” She started “To take down a shape shifter while they are positioned on top of you, you have to…” I stopped listening because I really didn’t care, in fact I didn’t want to be in this organization at all.

What you ask? We are a secret part of the government who deal with what civilians think are ‘mythical creatures’ meaning everything including vampires, fairies, sirens and the current problem werewolves. A new pact has suddenly come and resided in the territory next to the base.

It’s still a wonder why I was chosen out of the many other orphans to become part of this organization, when I asked the higher ups told me it was because I showed above average strength, intelligence and all that good stuff when I was young…have no idea what happened though.

“Does that answer your question?” I heard Mrs. Slade ask directed at me.

I nodded and smiled at her not sure what she just said but she seemed to accept it so she continued teaching.

After what appears to be 5 million treacherous hours the bell finally rung and I stood up swiftly to leave.

“Karen!” a cutesy voice yelled for me, I knew who it was before I even turned around. It was Beth, my since 5th grade friend. I turned around to acknowledge her.

“Mrs. Slade was really proud of you for asking that question” Beth said laughing a bit. I snickered.

“Teach her to mess with me!” I said puffing my chest out a little to look tough “Didn’t even realize she was played” I said in a mocking tone thinking smug of myself.

“So that’s how it was” I heard that dreaded voice come from right behind me. ‘Crap’ I thought as I turned to face…Mrs. Slade.

She had her signature stance going on and she looked mad, damn she looked very mad. Have to be careful from now on.

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