Chapter - 11

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Luke POV

I could feel her presence fading quickly which only helped in making me run faster, the pack not being able to keep up.

Maybe it was my hallucination but I heard her call my name in the wind.

My heart was tearing up inside not knowing if she’s still alive or not.

When I caught on to that unfamiliar scent a spark of hope ignited and if possible I quickened up even more.

Within the distance, blind to the human eye I could spot an abandon box they call a house, it was made entirely out of concrete and didn’t have a roof, just a flat surface. Standing in the woods alone it gave off an eerie, creepy feeling.

The smell hit overwhelming me, my mates scent, her blood and a lot of it.

I shifted to my human self and at the speed of light got ready and ran through the door. The man with blood smearing his mouth seemed surprised to find me there, he probably didn’t even notice.

I saw an unidentifiable lump on the ground and I knew it was her, it couldn’t be anyone but.

The man stood up and wiped his mouth with his forearm then licked his lips.

My heart shattered to the point it felt like it couldn’t be fixed anymore, realization hit me that she was gone. If I could then I’d go over to cradle her body, it was weak to show tears in front of the enemy but I couldn’t control my tear ducts.

He stood proud with a smirk at my pain and satisfactory when he looked at her lifeless body.

My thoughts weren’t sane, I lunged for him as he took a fighting stance but before I could kill him I was pulled back.

I thrashed in the persons grip, but I couldn’t break free. I started panting, out of exhaustion and pain. I stopped and finally turned around to the faces of my concerned pact.

Ryan, Tim, Jake and Evan were all holding on to me. I gave them a hard look but then held their stances.

“Let go” I managed through clenched teeth.

“Think logically Luke, you’ll kill yourself” Ryan said.

I struggled once more “That’s because it’s not you mate over there!” I screamed the tears coming out again.

I could see the sympathetic look on their faces but they didn’t know what it was like, they cant because they’ve never been through this, never felt what I felt.

“Do you know who he is?!” Ryan exploded.

“I don’t give a f***, I’ll kill him!” I snarled.

I turned to look at him again, he looked smug and amused. I growled menacingly at him. He didn’t seem fazed the least bit.

“He’s the demon king! You cant take him!” Ryan yelled above my growl.

I turned to him shocked to see if he was telling the truth.

“K-king?” I stuttered. What is the king of Demons doing here?

Ryan nodded. That’s when I saw it, the look of cautiousness on his face. How his eyes every so often flickered to the man behind me, just slightly then went back to me.

I faced the man again “But why? We have an agreement with your kind” I said trying to control myself, and it was hard.

He shook his head but still had that smile on his face. He put up his finger and wagged it “You had an agreement with the late Demon king-“ he said then turned in a full circle “I am the current king. It was a shame really, he was so easy to take down and all his coordinates were happily willing to follow a stronger, better leader” he said pridefully.

I felt the 8 hands on me tensing, but I didn’t. I had to know why…why he would hunt and kill Karen…my Karen. I couldn’t help but to look at her body again. He had ripped it to what little that laid there, he purposely left on the face which was also bathed in blood, it was cruel and in any other case I’d think it was sickening but not now, I couldn’t.

I swallowed hard trying again to keep my mind off of her until I found the answer, then I’d kill him. Even if I wasn’t his match I’d still try.

I’d either avenge her or die trying.


I know it's short and kind of a cliff hanger but...okay i have no excuse except to keep you waiting.

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