Chapter - 4

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Karen POV

I started for my room but remembered that I told Beth I’d go to see her afterwards so I started for her room instead.

I heard giggle but knocked anyway. I heard her say “coming” and she opened the door looking happy to see me.

“Karen! Come in” she said happily.

Sitting on her bed I saw a black hair guy, fairly cute.

“Hey” he said and raised his hand in a ‘hi’ gesture.

“Hi” I said and sat down at her desk.

Beth danced back in and took a seat on her bed next to him then picked up his hand holding it into hers lovingly.

I raised my eyebrow “ I thought we were suppose to talk?” I asked unsure anymore, maybe know I can go rest.

“I just wanted to introduce you guys. Aaron this is Karen my best friend and Karen this is my boyfriend Aaron, I met him when you left” she said looking at him lovingly.

I gave him a smile, might as well make an effort if its my friend boyfriend right. Then I looked back to Beth “I could come tomorrow you know” I told her hoping she’d say yes.

She looked astonished and shook her head “Aarons friend Adrian is going to come by and pick him up for whatever guys do later” she said smirking.

I rolled my eyes.

Speak of the devil. There was a knock at the door so Aaron stood up “Looks like my cue is here” he said and opened the door.

He was blond haired, not the dyed one but natural.

I heard them greet each other and Aaron was about to close the door but it got roughly shoved open. His eyes landed right on me and he gave a whistle.

“Who is this sexy layyydee?” he said giving me a flirtatious smile.

Aaron sighed while Beth giggled.

“Adrian meet my best friend Karen” Beth said.

He looked surprised “Ohhh, the infamous Karen that Beth is always blabbing about, she wasn’t kidding when she said you were pretty” Adrian said.

I looked to Beth and grinned, she blushed.

“Guess I am, now shoo we have girl business to talk about” I said shooing my hand at him. He chuckled and winked “I’ll be back count on it” he said and closed the door. I rolled my eyes again.

I went and took the seat next to Beth on her bed.

“Where’d you go Karen? You didn’t say a word to me, you were just gone” Beth begged for answers, I knew how that felt but would it be right to tell her.

I was silent for a moment…

“Oh my goodness!” she screeched and pulled my neckline down further “What is that?!” she over dramatically pointed to the *Cough* Hickey *Cough*

I blushed.

“Spill!” she said gripping my shoulders.

I laughed “Calm down Beth if you give me the chance I’ll tell you” I said.

She stopped instantly and folded her legs like an innocent little girl.

“His name is Luke-“ I started out.

“I bet he’s cute!” she squealed. I gave her a look and she apologized.

“I met him when I went to…town.” I said not sure where I was going with this, I should tell her the truth…right?

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