Chapter - 2

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Here we go, part 2! Enjoy <3


“What the hell do you mean that you ‘told’ me because I’m pretty sure you didn’t!” I practically screamed into the phone.

“I said you’ll learn things about yourself did I not Karen” The headmaster replied calmly.

I sighed giving up slightly, we’ve been having this conversation for about 10 minutes now and its getting no where.

“Ok then, how did you know” I asked him.

“I don’t think this conversation is appropriate to be having over the phone” he told be and I could hear that he was amused.

“Then why didn’t no one ever told me before especially if you knew” I said on the verge of screaming again, I was very annoyed right now.

“Continue the mission as planned and eventually I believe everything will be solved” He told me mysteriously.

I grumped aggregately and snapped my phone closed. Rude, I know but imagine yourself in my situation.

I got to the drive way of my ‘grandmothers’ house and like she said, no one was home.

I went to take a shower then crashed on the couch turning on the television.

Dozing off unintentionally.

The rouge looked up from the man who was now dead on the floor.

The women who was holding the girl seemed to have stopped when the man died, she looked like she was on the brink of tears. The girl who looked so innocent and like sunshine itself was shaking in her mothers grasp.

The women started off again after noticing the rouges eyes on her but he came after them.

I was helpless on the other side of the window, I had no idea why but I wanted to help those people.

The women pushed the girl away and told her to run and don’t turn back no matter what was heard she handed the girl a bag and told her to open it when she gets to safety. They were both crying but the girl ran towards the road.

The women turned her attention onto the wolf and started to shift but before she got the chance, he swiped his nails at her and she crumpled to the ground lying still.

Tears were flowing down my cheeks and I tried to break the window over and over but it wouldn’t. I could no longer see the little girl and hoped that she made it. Luckily the wolf turned and walked back into the forest like nothing had happened.

I dazedly swiped my hand on my face and felt that it was wet. I sat up trying to stop it but the tears kept coming.

I looked over to the clock, 7:29 it read. Have I been sleeping that long.

I turned off the Tv which was still on and rest my head against the cushion.

Those people seemed so…familiar, who were they?

That little girl reminded me of someone…but whenever I try to think about it, my head starts hurting. The pain was unbearable.

The front door opened the closed. Then my ‘grandma’ walked in dropping her bag to the floor, if people didn’t know better they’d think it was real.

She glanced at me and walked to the kitchen.

“Hi” I mumbled to myself.

I stood up and walked to my room deciding to call Beth.

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