Chapter - 6

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Karen POV

Unlike yesterday, the teacher didn’t miraculously call another day off much to my dismay.

Everyone had gone off to school about an hour ago and here I was, just getting up.

I only got in a few hours of sleep last night, something was gnawing at the back of my mind.

I got up and took a long needed shower, applied my light nude make up and fixed my hair. I made my way down to the dining room and got some eggs and toast.

I finished breakfast in record time then had an urge to walk around campus looking to see if anything had change.

I walked a while away before I spotted it.

A wolf with familiar brown fur and human like eyes sitting at the edge of the woods looking at me, willing me to come to him.

As I approached he stood up and led me further into the woods. My heart was beating practically out of my chest.

Why was he here? The question ran through my mind on repeat.

I almost crashed into one of his hind legs as my mind wandered and he came to an abrupt stop. I luckily caught myself from falling and embarrassing myself.

He shifted to his human form and dressed himself with the extra clothes he brought along.

“Luke…”I breathed.

He was glaring at me. He looked like he had a lot to say but didn’t know where to start.

Last night came rushing back to me as I remembered the growl I thought I imagined and the feeling as though someone were watching me.

Luke. I thought. He must have seen…then he also saw…

He must have known that I figured out why he was so angry.

I put one of my hand on his arm “It wasn’t like that Luke” I tried to tell him.

He pushed my hand off of him harshly that almost brought tears to my eyes.

“Had fun cheating on me?” he sneered through clenched teeth and a hardened jaw.

“I wasn’t cheating on you!” I yelled willing him to believe me.

“Then why are you here Karen?!” He yelled throwing his arms in the air in a fit of anger. “Why did you lie?” he questioned roughly. “Why were you in his arms?” he said the last part more softly and I could see all the hurt flashing through his eyes.

I tried to touch him again but he moved away…again.

“There are some things I can’t tell you. But you have to trust me, I would never cheat on you. I love you, you’re my mate” I said.

He shook his head. His eyes were still hardened.

“You’re right, I am your mate…so you should tell me! You shouldn’t keep secrets from me!” he yelled. “When you said you couldn’t come back, was it because of him?” he growled putting hate into his every word.

I shook my head ferociously. “Luke no! I needed to meet the headmaster of this school for a reason and I only stayed because I didn’t have a way home until tomorrow” I said pleading him to believe.

I could tell he was debating with himself.

“How can I believe you when you’ve lied to me about going back to Montana?...Is your name really even Karen or did you lie about that to?” He snapped at me.

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