Chapter 9

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The moment she chose to face her ordeals head-on, Jasmine ran into her bedroom, rummaging through the closet until she found what she was looking for.

"Sorry, grandma. I guess these sheets you gifted me to use once I got married will never see that day," Jasmine whispered as she ripped through the packaging. "If it's any comfort, they will be used for a greater purpose. Hopefully, they will save my life."

Pulling at the sheets with all her might, Jasmine could only hope what her late grandmother told her about their strength and quality was true. Because she was about to put them to the ultimate test. It was an insane idea to even think about. Yet, in a world that had gone crazy, maybe that was the sanest idea she had ever had.

Quickly, Jasmine proceeded to the second floor, the lowest one, where people from the outside couldn't see her and hoped that her theory was correct. The assumption was that whatever happened to the people, they didn't seem to be cautious enough or care enough to lock their doors. So, she should be able to easily access the apartment of her annoying neighbor, Grace.

"What if Grace is home?" Jasmine thought when she was halfway down.

Grace was not the friendliest person, and she definitely didn't like Jasmine. Her aversion started that day when Jasmine accidentally overwatered her plants, causing water to drip onto Grace's balcony, where she had hung her laundry to dry. To say that she was furious would be an understatement. And there was no wrath as that of a woman who thought she was wronged on purpose.

"Well, if somehow she escaped what happened to everyone else, her door is surely locked. I can try another neighbor's place," Jasmine thought, trying to reassure herself.

Although she wasn't sure if she feared the bald men more than she did old Grace. It was strange that her social anxiety still took the first place in the long list of her fears.

Luckily for Jasmine, that whole row of apartments had their balconies on the opposite side of the building entrance, so she had quite a few to choose from on the second floor. Still, it didn't make the knot of anxiousness and fear tying itself up ever so tighter in her stomach relax even for a second.

Knowing she had to work fast in case the men could actually enter the building, which seemed strange that they couldn't in the first place, Jasmine proceeded to door number 10. Then, instead of staring at it in fear the way she wanted to do, she tried to open it. To her relief, she managed to do so as it was unlocked the same as the other one.

Once she was inside, she quickly and carefully searched the small apartment. Seeing no signs of the grumpy old lady, Jasmine set to work.

The first thing she did was go to the balcony and check if the coast was clear. Once she was sure no one was in sight, she focused on seeing how long of a drop it was. It seemed to be a much bigger one than she anticipated. Then again, that could have been just her fear doing its best to exaggerate things.

Unsure of what would happen to her, Jasmine decided that she would have to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. There were no other options, and time was running out so she decided to text Isaac, so that he would get out at least.

Head for the trees. Walk on the roof as long as you can and then slip down without them seeing you. You are small enough and should be able to hide from them.

What about you? I can't just leave you behind.

I'll meet you there. Head for the large tree. Climb it and hide there. But if something feels off, if they see you, run as fast as you can, and I'll find you later.

Do you promise?

I promise.

Okay, good luck.

Jasmine hoped with all her heart that she didn't lie to the little boy. The last thing one needed at that age was adults lying for 'their own good'. But she needed to ensure that if she messed something up with her 'great escape plan', Isaac wasn't there to suffer the consequences.

The drop wasn't high enough to kill her, but even being incapacitated would be horrible while the bald men lurked around. Jasmine had to try her best to prevent any injury, but she had no idea how to do so.

Firstly, she tied the sheets to the iron railing of the balcony. Then, she cut off some of her neighbor's clothesline rope with her knife, tying it into the mix as best as possible to secure the sheets. However, the rest was up to the quality of the sheets. There was no trick Jasmine could think of, no way to ensure her safety.

To say that terrified her would be an understatement. But she had two options: to stay frightened and be captured by those men who might kill her or do something far worse, or risk injury in a courageous escape attempt.

Thinking about her favorite heroes and heroines, Jasmine knew what type of person she wanted to be and that was not a coward. She did not feel like she was exceptional in any way. But, funnily enough, the end of the world gave her one thing she never had before, the freedom of choice.

There was no one to tell her that she was stupid. That she was wrong. It was up to her to make her own choices and live with them. In a way, it was liberating, but she did feel guilty for feeling any good emotions when she didn't know what had happened with the rest of the world. Nevertheless, it inspired her to face her fear of heights and do what she had to do. Not only to save her own life but to help Isaac, if possible.

Dropping the other end of the sheet to the ground, Jasmine gripped it tightly as she climbed over the fence and slowly started lowering herself down. At first, she relied more on the balcony fence than the sheet itself, using it sparingly, trying not to test its strength immediately.

Thus, she managed to awkwardly reach the first store balcony, and from there, she decided she had to thoroughly depend on the sheets as there was still some distance left to go. After taking a deep breath, she put her weight on them and quickly moved downward.

From the first second, she could hear the terrifying sound of them ripping apart, but she didn't dare look up and see how much time she had left. All she did was hurry down while they still held, hoping they would hold long enough for her to reach the ground or at least close enough.

Her luck seemed to run out as the sheet ripped apart, and she could feel herself falling, her worst nightmare coming to life. Yet, before Jasmine could even become appropriately terrified, she hit the ground with much less force than anticipated, only slightly bruising her back.

A large smile spread across her lips as she realized what she had done, she barely suppressed hysterical laughter that wanted to burst out of her chest. Only then did she discover she didn't believe it would work, that she only did it because not doing anything wasn't an option.

Slowly getting up, Jasmine was shocked to see one of those terrifying men, with whom something seemed terribly wrong, staring at her with a look that felt probing and painfully uncomfortable.

"I found another straggler! Unaffected!" the bald man yelled out to those on the other side of the building who shouldn't have been able to hear him.

However, they seemed to have heard him perfectly.

Jasmine quickly jumped to her feet, but before she could dash away, strong hands held her firmly from behind. Hands that didn't really feel like hands, but something else, something wet and slimy.

There was only one of them for the time being, and there was only one thing that Jasmine could do before it was too late.


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