new beginnings | phil foden

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the only person you felt like you could call just after your boyfriend had broken up with you, was your best friend, phil. he knew that your relationship was on the rocks, and as soon as he answered the phone, and heard you in tears, he offered up his home to you straight away, getting the spare bedroom ready for you as soon as you put down the phone.

as soon as he opened the door for you, he grabbed you, pulled you into a hug, and held you while you cried into his shoulder, offering you a cup of tea, once he'd led you to the living room, so you could have a seat.

"do you want to tell me what happened?" he sat down next to you, handing you your cup of tea and two of your favourite biscuits.

"well, i just came home from work, and he sat me down for a "chat", and told me it wasn't going to work anymore. i knew our relationship wasn't going too well at the moment, but i thought we could work through it, i didn't think he'd actually break up with me, especially without even trying to make anything better."

phil nodded, placing a reassuring hand on your thigh, ready to comfort you through whatever you were going through.

it was a while later, and the two of you had just finished watching a movie, and the both of you were just talking about nothing, when phil leaned over and placed his lips against yours. you didn't have time to kiss back, or even register what was going on, before he pulled away.

"i should never have done that," he said, shuffling away from you slightly.

you didn't have anything to say, so you just grabbed his cheek, pulling his face towards yours until your lips met again. you soon found a rhythm, the two of you being more in sync than you expected to be.

when you pulled away to catch your breath, you let out a slight laugh. "well i never expected that to happen."

"no me neither," he said. "look, i don't want you to think i'm taking advantage of you in any way, but i wouldn't mind if what just happened turned into more between us, but i want you to go slow. you know, heal first, before we rush into anything."

you nodded at him, smiling before you pressed your lips against his once again, "goodnight, phil."

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