christmas | trent alexander-arnold

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growing up, you never really celebrated christmas. you would get a couple of presents, but you wouldn't ever really decorate your house or even have a christmas dinner. it just wasn't a big deal, and you were fine with it because you were used to it, but a wave of jealousy did sometimes come over you, knowing what other people christmases were like, especially at christmas.

so, when trent invited you over to his family's house for christmas, you were a bit apprehensive. you hadn't spent much time with his family, and although the time you had spent with them was incredible, you thought it was going to be quite hard to be around them in such an intense environment, seeing as though you hadn't ever experienced anything like it before.

as soon as you walked through the door, you realised how different christmas had been for you. they had a massive christmas tree in the hallway, decorated with some of the best decorations you had ever seen. the more you walked through the house, the more you saw, until you got into the living room. it was truly spectacular, like a winter wonderland.

"y/n! you're here!" trent's mum rushes over to you, as soon as she sees you, pulling you into a hug. "oh, darling. it's been forever since we last saw you, we've missed you."

"i've missed you, too," you let out a laugh and waved to the rest of his family, who were all sitting on the sofas smiling at her.

"come into the kitchen with me, you need to tell me what you want and don't want with your dinner, plus i want a girly chat," she smiled at you, grabbing your hand, dragging you into the kitchen. "you're not allergic to anything are you?"

"not that i know of," you said quietly, staring at all the food that was spread across the counters. you didn't think you'd seen as much food in your life, especially not at your house. "everything looks amazing, i can't wait to eat it," you giggled.

"thank you, and i'm glad you're hungry, i was worried you would have already had dinner at your house."

"no. we don't really celebrate christmas at my house," you said, looking down at your hands as you fiddled with them.

"you don't? why didn't you tell me? i would have made it extra special for you," she looked genuinely devastated.

"it's fine, really. what you've got going on here is more than enough, trust me. your house looks beautiful."

"thank you, darling," she wasn't able to say anything else before the oven started beeping, indicating that the turkey was ready, and she rushed to plate everyone's food up.


after an amazing meal, and an even better day, you were laid in bed with trent, the day catching up to the both of you.

"did you have fun today, then?" trent whispered against your head.

you took a minute to try and compose yourself in hopes that you didn't cry, but you couldn't help yourself.

"hey, what's wrong?" trent asked, worry filling his voice.

"nothing. i'm just happy. i never had anything like this growing up, and i've never really felt more love than i did today, so thank you. you and your family are incredible," you sniffled.

trent wiped some of your tears, "you're always welcome here, love. you've been a part of this family since the moment i met you, and that'll never change. merry christmas, darling."

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