sensitive | jadon sancho*

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it all started out as what seemed to be an innocent make-out session. the two of you cuddled up in bed together watching a movie. his hand makes its way up your thigh, resting as high as it possibly could under the covers. after a little while, you're doing the same thing with the hand that was resting on his waist. you draw little patterns over his bare skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind.

your hand drops lower and lower until it's resting at the waistband of his joggers. your lips inevitably find his, jadon places his body over yours, the movie on your tv becoming forgotten background noise.

the two of you deepen the kiss, jadon resting on his forearms, which are placed at either side of your head. your hands come up to cup his face, slowly reaching down his neck, your nails scratching at the nape of his neck.

he groans into your mouth, and the feeling of his dick poking against your thigh is ever-present. he turns his attention to your neck, kissing and sucking from just behind your ear all the way down to your cleavage.

the sports bra that you're wearing doesn't even get taken off, he simply pushes it up, releasing both of your breasts with a bounce. jadon knew exactly what he was doing, staring at your nipples as they stood proud on your chest, the most sensitive part of your body.

that was a fact he learnt pretty early on in your relationship, a simple touch to your nipples sent you spiralling, and he was going to capitalise on that fact tonight. he starts out kissing the area around them, your back arching off of the bed as you lean up into his touch in anticipation of what's to come.

when his lips circle your left nipple you struggle to hold back the whimpers. your hand immediately reaches up to his hair, gripping it as tight as you can. he sucks as hard as he can, his tongue darting out to run circles around the sensitive bud. he lightly blows on your nipple, the contrast between the cold air and his saliva sending you into a frenzy, making you moan his name over and over. you whimper for him to stop, but it's useless, because you know he's not going to until he's finished his attack on the other one. 

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