best friend's sister | pablo gavi

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growing up with two older brothers meant they were very protective of you your entire life, and you had been given one rule your entire life: don't date their friends. when pedri started playing professional football, the rule then changed so that you were sworn off, not only their friends, but also pedri's teammates.

but you knew you'd never listen to that. you were very close to your brothers, the three of you being pretty much inseparable your entire lives. so when pedri signed for barcelona, and fernando moved out there with him, you begged your parents to let you go too, because otherwise you would have just been at home by yourself, without the two people who you considered your best friends.

so that's exactly what you did, you moved to barcelona with them, and you have been living there for the past two and a half years.

and let me tell you, they watched over you like a hawk. if you wanted to go somewhere, you had to tell them exactly where you were going, and who you were meeting up with. it could get quite annoying, as they knew that you wouldn't do anything stupid, but they wouldn't be able to forgive themselves if anything happened to their little sister under their watch.

nothing had gone out of line in your couple of years living there, apart from the fact that you had secretly gotten into a relationship with rising spanish footballing star, gavi, who just so happened to be pedri's teammate. someone who you had technically been sworn off since the moment you were born.

but you couldn't help yourself. the moment that the two of you met, you felt something, and from that moment you developed an amazing friendship, which eventually developed into something more.

you had been in a relationship for about three months before your brothers found out, and, to be honest, they weren't as mad as you thought they would have been. they were more disappointed that you hadn't just told them, and they were sorry that you had felt like you had to hide it from them. because they knew you were an adult and could make your own decisions, and they knew that they couldn't stop you from falling for someone, if that's the way you felt about them.

however, that didn't mean they let gavi off easy though. they made sure they sat him down, and told him that if they ever hurt their sister that he would know about it. but apart from that everything was fine, the only thing that wasn't was the incessant teasing that happened at training at the hands of pedri, and the other barça players, about their little friend being all in love.

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