jealous | trent alexander-arnold

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he watched you from across the club. well, not you, but the guy who had been attached to your hip the entire night, never leaving your side, always being only a couple of steps behind you.

he knew you were fine, he knew nothing was going to happen, that you weren't going to betray him. but he still didn't want to see you so close to another man. but you had to make it seem as if you weren't together. no one knew that you and trent were dating, and you wanted to keep your privacy for a little while longer, so you couldn't say the typical "i have a boyfriend" to get this guy off of your back.

it's obviously what you wanted to say, but no wasn't the time. instead, you were confined to making brief eye contact from across the room. you could practically see his eyes darken from where you stood, lust and anger filling his eyes at how much he wanted to rip that skimpy dress off of your body, and at how much he wanted to rugby tackle the guy to the floor when his hand strayed a little too low on you back.

"i've got to go to the bathroom," you yell into the guy's ear, not leaving him any room to reply, and instead just walking away from him, straight in the direction of your boyfriend.

as soon as you reach him, you lean up and say into his ear, "let's get out of here, yeah?"

his brown eyes looked down on you, his head offering a slight nod, before he grabbed a hold of your hand, and dragged you out of the club. 

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