She Loves her best friend, but too much than she should. Chapter 2

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Joelma Pov

The room was big but it only had one double bed, which I presumed that I would have to share with Kim. I was ok with that, even though she is into girls and I put my bags down. There was a computer, good I could still play my games. A phone, I never had in my room back in the UK. The curtains were red, one of my favorite colors. There was a big chair made out of a heart shape, which you could share with someone else, I like that too. The room was the way I liked overall but Kim just stood there like a ghost. I had to pull her to sit next to me in the bed.

"So are you not going to say anything? You are there so quiet Kim." She looked at me still shocked, " I just cannot believe you are here and I am not sure what to say." I smiled for a bit because her reaction was understandable. "It is true, so I don't know, tell me is there anyone in school that you like?" She looked down a little bit disappointed. "Well not really, I mean everyone hates me." I was determined to change that, I wanted Kim to have a normal school life like any other girl of our age. "From Monday hopefully, that will change bestie." She looked at me with a disbelieving face, "I doubt, eventually you will forget about me." I did not understand why she thought like that but it wasn't part of my plan unless I was dead which wasn't going to happen anytime soon. "You wish Kim, only when I am dead." She punched my arm "Don't go say that!"

We ended up talking so much, that we did not realize that it was already time to go to bed. We did not have dinner either so we just decided to get into our pajamas and call it a day. I brought my rabbit pajama, well called that way because it had a rabbit tail in the shorts at the back.


When I realized what Joelma was wearing I couldn't stop blushing, it looked too cute on her. The worse was that the pajamas fitted her so well that I could see the shape of her ass, why did she have to be straight? She realized I was staring at it too much. "Do you want to touch it, Kim? I mean the tail?." I could not deny that offer. I touched and she kinda let a small moan escape from her lips. I was perplexed, could she feel that? I cannot deny it was hot. "Could you feel that?!" She giggled at me probably thinking I was crazy. "C'mon Kim not, it is not like it is connected to my spine duh, could you imagine".

We both finally decided to go to bed and get ready for the big day tomorrow. I seriously was not sure how school life would be from now on. In my mind obviously, Joelma will be popular amongst the guys as she is so pretty. Me being bullied I don't think it would change, even with Joelma appearance. I was so lost in my thoughts that I did not realise Joelma was staring at me all this time in the dark. Her eyes were shining, perhaps because of the moonlight. "What Joelma?" She finally stopped staring at me and rubbed her eyes. "Are you worried about tomorrow because you look thoughtful?". "Obvious I am Joelma, I am ready for the worse." She giggled and replied while having her eyes closed " We will always be friends, no matter where we both are."

I was not sure of what she meant by that but I doubt that will be the case. Never had friends that stayed in my life for too long, so why would she be different? She ended up falling asleep, I decided that was a good idea for me to follow too. The next day, I woke up without finding Joelma laying next to me so I wondered where she was until she stepped out of the bathroom. "Kim wake up or else we will be late to school." She was wearing black shorts with high knee black socks and a red top saying "Cool Kids Never Die". She decided to leave her hair out, her fringe covered one of her eyes and she wore a black hat.

I looked in disbelief, was she going crazy? "Joelma listen, they will kill you the popular kids!. She shrugged her shoulders while looking at the mirror. "I don't really care what they think, not changing to impress anyone." I gave up her telling her so I decided to get ready, it was going to be a long day. Most of the journey she kept walking behind me, made me feel like she was checking me out but I was not sure.

Joelma Pov

I was simply walking behind Kim because I wanted to look at her sense of style, it wasn't too bad but she could have improved. We finally got to school, it was huge and the corridors were already filled with students having conversations. However, as soon as they saw us, they started whispering at us, I felt uncomfortable because of the attention I was getting but I kept my head high. I had to get Kim to show me the principle office so I could get my timetable for the term and to find out more about the school rules. I was lucky that I had a few lessons with Kim so I would not feel alone. Our first class was Maths, the subject I most hate it. I had to introduce myself to the class in request of the teacher. "Erm I am Joelma, I am 16 and I just moved from the UK." They were allowed to ask some questions, so I blond girl took that lead " I am sorry, I am Lisa but do you normally dress like a child or a guy?" I rolled my eyes I could tell she was one of the popular chicks. "Well, its none of your businesses how I dress plus, at least, I have a mature body." The whole class started laughing, even the teacher found funny. Kim did not look happy through, she whispered to me "Break time they will attack you!" I shrugged my shoulders, I wanted to see what they would do to me, I was ready.

Kim Pov

Lisa passed me a note threating Joelma as she did not know who she was messing with. She claimed that Joelma will get a good lesson from her boy toys. I did not want that to happen to Joelma, not even I been treated like that. I just stopped her before was too late.

She loves her best friend, but too much than she should.Where stories live. Discover now